18 Comments on Elon Suggests Leaving NATO and the UN
Quit jabbering about it and do it. Fuck all globalist clowns.
People have correctly pushing for this since each were created. So why are folks FINALLY LISTENING? That is the question that should be asked.
Yup, it’s time. The EuroWeenies can fight their own wars.
The purpose of NATO was to protect western European countries from the USSR. A single attack from USSR on any member nation required immediate response from all NATO members.
USSR no longer exists, but NATO has added a bunch of nations that encroach upon Russian sovereignty. Since that trigger response is still a mandate of NATO it makes the current situation extremely dicey, even without Ukraine as a member. Adding Ukraine would practically guarantee WWIII, both because of the likelihood of Russia attacking them and because of the provocation adding them creates. US needs to leave NATO, then if Russia attacks Ukraine Trump can act in US’s interests rather than be required to respond in full force.
Makes perfect sense, saves a lot of money also!
Do it Now! Or at the latest, Tomorrow!
There is another one in Asia. SEATO. Dump that too unless it’s already been eliminated.
Close all of our overseas bases and bring them home. Build one hell of a defense for our country. You can’t fix stupid so don’t try.
Yes please.
To both.
Either kick all the UN delegates out of NY, let’em restart in Brussels. OR….
Let ‘stay in NY…BUT!!…charge outrageous rent for the UN building..AND…the delegates have NO immunity against any/all breaking of US laws.
Commit murder? Go to trial, go to prison, possibly even death sentence.
Driving and parking? Pay your licenses, pay your fees, pay your tickets. Otherwise get impounded and towed.
@Tim Bukto — Wakey-wakey! SEATO was dissolved in 1977. Lord only knows what if anything has taken its place, but if there is one it needs to begone as well.
It’s long past due for the U.S. to shit-can its propping up of Yurpeen defense by means of NATO. And with the shit-show in Yook looking shittier and shitter every hour, getting out of NATO has taken on an extreme degree of urgency.
Then once NATO isn’t in OUR picture, maybe similarly shit-canning the U.S. membership in the United Nations will be easier.
My fantasy: Once the U.S. is out of the U.N., we get the U.N. out of the U.S. by telling those bastards they have 72 hours to vacate before we take possession of their NYC lands and buildings. Demolition to ensue forthwith.
The UN has been a joke for quite a while now, putting countries like Cuba and China on the Human Rights Commission.
Relax, tomorrow is Monday and something new will come out of the mouthpiece and this too shall be forgotten just like those files.
“Elon Suggests Leaving NATO and the UN”
You say that like it’s a bad thing.
Yessir. I looked it up, it’s been gone since 1977. No wonder I haven’t heard about it for so long.
Another one I haven’t heard about for a long time was something called the Baghdad Pact which I guess was supposed to be a coalition of ME countries to oppose the bad old USSR. Nice try, they mostly hate each other. Like the sunni-siders and the sheeite-siders.
We should have round canned the UN many years ago….and lately even NATO is no longer aligning with America’s needs and goals so we should depart and let them sink or swim on their own.
Uncle Al, not demolition, but remodel them for housing for homeless veterans with a VA health facility.
That is, after they get rid of all the bugs; biological and mechanical.
I say propose the following deal to European leaders;
1- The US drops out of NATO.
2- Europe allows the Ukraine to join NATO in place of the US.
Sounds like a Win/Win all around!
Quit jabbering about it and do it. Fuck all globalist clowns.
People have correctly pushing for this since each were created. So why are folks FINALLY LISTENING? That is the question that should be asked.
Yup, it’s time. The EuroWeenies can fight their own wars.
The purpose of NATO was to protect western European countries from the USSR. A single attack from USSR on any member nation required immediate response from all NATO members.
USSR no longer exists, but NATO has added a bunch of nations that encroach upon Russian sovereignty. Since that trigger response is still a mandate of NATO it makes the current situation extremely dicey, even without Ukraine as a member. Adding Ukraine would practically guarantee WWIII, both because of the likelihood of Russia attacking them and because of the provocation adding them creates. US needs to leave NATO, then if Russia attacks Ukraine Trump can act in US’s interests rather than be required to respond in full force.
Makes perfect sense, saves a lot of money also!
Do it Now! Or at the latest, Tomorrow!
There is another one in Asia. SEATO. Dump that too unless it’s already been eliminated.
Close all of our overseas bases and bring them home. Build one hell of a defense for our country. You can’t fix stupid so don’t try.
Yes please.
To both.
Either kick all the UN delegates out of NY, let’em restart in Brussels. OR….
Let ‘stay in NY…BUT!!…charge outrageous rent for the UN building..AND…the delegates have NO immunity against any/all breaking of US laws.
Commit murder? Go to trial, go to prison, possibly even death sentence.
Driving and parking? Pay your licenses, pay your fees, pay your tickets. Otherwise get impounded and towed.
@Tim Bukto — Wakey-wakey! SEATO was dissolved in 1977. Lord only knows what if anything has taken its place, but if there is one it needs to begone as well.
It’s long past due for the U.S. to shit-can its propping up of Yurpeen defense by means of NATO. And with the shit-show in Yook looking shittier and shitter every hour, getting out of NATO has taken on an extreme degree of urgency.
Then once NATO isn’t in OUR picture, maybe similarly shit-canning the U.S. membership in the United Nations will be easier.
My fantasy: Once the U.S. is out of the U.N., we get the U.N. out of the U.S. by telling those bastards they have 72 hours to vacate before we take possession of their NYC lands and buildings. Demolition to ensue forthwith.
The UN has been a joke for quite a while now, putting countries like Cuba and China on the Human Rights Commission.
Relax, tomorrow is Monday and something new will come out of the mouthpiece and this too shall be forgotten just like those files.
“Elon Suggests Leaving NATO and the UN”
You say that like it’s a bad thing.
Yessir. I looked it up, it’s been gone since 1977. No wonder I haven’t heard about it for so long.
Another one I haven’t heard about for a long time was something called the Baghdad Pact which I guess was supposed to be a coalition of ME countries to oppose the bad old USSR. Nice try, they mostly hate each other. Like the sunni-siders and the sheeite-siders.
We should have round canned the UN many years ago….and lately even NATO is no longer aligning with America’s needs and goals so we should depart and let them sink or swim on their own.
Uncle Al, not demolition, but remodel them for housing for homeless veterans with a VA health facility.
That is, after they get rid of all the bugs; biological and mechanical.
I say propose the following deal to European leaders;
1- The US drops out of NATO.
2- Europe allows the Ukraine to join NATO in place of the US.
Sounds like a Win/Win all around!