NGOs Need to Be KOed – IOTW Report

NGOs Need to Be KOed


Elon Musk recently told Joe Rogan that NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) are among the biggest scams ever. That’s because taxpayer-funded NGOs act as a loophole to funnel billions into shadowy, unaccountable organizations—doing things that would be illegal if carried out directly by the government itself… More

10 Comments on NGOs Need to Be KOed

  1. Bad enough the U.S. government tolerates this but horrible that they underwrite it as slush funds knowing full well the ill intent. Yet another group that needs some prison therapy.

  2. The saddest part of this whole deal is that a good majority of us already knew this but it was never openly discussed and always denied.
    This has to be corrected in a way this never happens again.
    The Government needs a citizen babysitter looking over it’s shoulder.

  3. I have been posting exactly what they are for over a decade right here. My buddy Mike and I were advocating for the disabled and headed up a movement that was able to muster 200 people in 24 hours. I did the civil engineering and wrote the demand for correction notices. Then along comes a plethora of other groups that “wanted to partner.” No they didn’t, they wanted to infiltrate and take over and exploit the people we were helping. Basically, they were used as Democrat farm clubs that they parked their up and coming politicians and vetted them for public office or they were “jobs” that were nothing but federal and state funded rewards to Democrat activists. They were also used to funnel campaign contributions back to local politicians through.

    I have gone over it a dozen times right here. It is great to see that what I have been observing and telling others is being validated. Not a single one is more than slightly legitimate. They are very close to being pure, unadulterated grift and corruption machines. Every last one of them that I dealt with and imdealt with a bunch of them. FWIW, neither Mike or I ever even took money for reimbursement of fuel, tools, supplies etc. What we did was pure charity.

  4. Part of the reason Biden was protecting that useless Brits visa info.
    Harry and Hos organization Archewell has some interesting $$$ flow.
    It’s been interesting watching who they are grifting from and the shady creatures that are given “awards” funneled through Archewell.
    Everyone else is caught up in the Yacht Girls next Netflix flop..a few of us are following the money and the influence they want to exert within our elections.

  5. NGOs funded by the government are just government organizations with zero accountability to the taxpayer nor the constitutional limitations on what government can do… like facilitating a massive invasion by foreign nationals… limiting free speech… corrupting elections… and fomenting wide scale riots.

  6. I don’t know the origin of the term “non-government organization” (NGO), but unfortunately it besmears the good name of many not-for-profit associations and nonprofit charities that are doing good work. Many of them do not take government money. For decades I worked for ones that stuck up for small business – anti-reg, anti-union (especially gov. unions), pro-biz marketing, training, etc. Took no taxpayer money, and as 501(c)(6)s there were only minor tax breaks to the associations and the members. But technically NGOs. Having said all that, it’s great seeing these USAID leeches called out. This crap is corrupt as hell. Hopefully this gets tightened up while not effing over the legit groups.

    BTW, a form of this money game happens politically at the local level. In so-called ‘nonpartisan’ races that have campaign contribution limits, progressive organizations from around the country are activated to pour ‘independent expenditures’ in to back the local prog/D/S/C candidate with money that comes from who knows where.

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