The Casual Democrat is a Danger to This Country – IOTW Report

The Casual Democrat is a Danger to This Country

We all know the far left always existed, and they hated America and wanted to bring it to its knees internally without firing a shot.

Now we have the casual legacy Democrats, like a white blue-collar Boston-bred low-IQ shitstain, that are aligned with these destroyers like brainwashed quislings. They are nothing but the political version of rabid sports fans. They’ve picked a team, and they will paint their bare chests, each with a letter that spells out “I am a phucking idiot,” as they stand shoulder to shoulder in 25-degree weather.

Do they not remember that the left was prepared to hire 90,000 IRS agents that were to pick over your bones to make sure they got every last penny earmarked for non-Americans?

Do they not see how these bloodsuckers react when the tables are turned, and they are the ones audited?

How can you remain a Democrat when reality is put into this context?

Being upset with DOGE is like Jews being upset with their concentration camp liberators.

13 Comments on The Casual Democrat is a Danger to This Country

  1. These are the people I was talking about in my post directly below. I wouldn’t let any of them behind me with a knife. They’re off the charts stupid and they seem to be getting worse. Ask one to justify what ever ridiculous bull shit point they’re trying to make sometime. They explode in anger. It’s a religion to them.

  2. Products of govt-ordered conditioning in mandatory day care institutions, forced to take drugs to make them unnaturally docile, then released into the gen pop without basic skills such as how to make change without a computerized cash register. And this is by design.

    Do you voluntarily send your kids off to ‘public school’?
    Yes? Please stop that.

  3. @Brad: ” It’s a religion to them.”

    And there is the problem in a nutshell. Most people would die for their fervent religious beliefs. These morons are rapidly morphing into that category.

  4. I’m in a red state, but reside in a city bruised blue by an overwhelming percentage of libtards. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard, “I didn’t vote for Trump”. Then these idiots proceed to regugitate what they’ve heard from main stream media. Maybe, because I’m black they feel compelled to share that information. Guess, it’s an attempt to bond under the banner of being politically savvy that’s actually idiocy.
    I don’t respond with the fact I’m a conservative Republican who considers them brain dead zombies. I just smile as if they’re retarded…and they are. Informing them, I’m not a Demwit is dangerous and pointless. Libtards are incapable of handling the truth.

  5. @99th:
    Like you, I am a member of the melaninized community. I have an aunt who I haven’t seen in seven or 8 years. Whenever I visited, she was buys mainlining CNN. Been doing that for probably since they’ve been on the air. It’s not worth my time to go there anymore – I couldn’t take the in(s)anity.

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