Babel Britain: Nearly One Million People Speak Little or No English in England – IOTW Report

Babel Britain: Nearly One Million People Speak Little or No English in England

Breitbart: In the wake of decades of mass migration policies, almost one million people speak little or no English in England.

In an apparent condemnation of the multicultural project foisted upon the country by both Westminster establishment parties, data from the UK Statistics Authority found that one in ten migrants in England are unable or can barely speak English.

The statistics, disclosed by the formerly governing Tory party, showed that 8.6 per cent of migrants over the age of 16 “cannot speak English well”. A further 1.4 per cent, or 137, 876 cannot speak the language at all, The Sun reported.

According to the report, just over half of migrants above 16 (51.6 per cent) said that English was their primary language, while 38.4 per cent claimed to be able to speak it well.

The data was gathered during the last census in 2021, likely indicating that the current number of people without English literacy in the country is much higher in reality, given the record waves of migrants which have come to the UK in the years since the census.

Indeed, net migration hit 872,000 in 2022 and 866,000 the following year, despite promises from the former “Conservative” government that they would cut immigration following Brexit. more

13 Comments on Babel Britain: Nearly One Million People Speak Little or No English in England

  1. Huh.

    Sounds like where I work.

    I have mastered the skills of pointing and grunting, tho.

    Nonverbal communication is kind of a survival skill in these modern times…

  2. They take over government with sheer numbers, not patriotism, good intentions, responsibility or morals, just an agenda so that no laws can be passed against them.

    Then practice their agenda to dominate and kill.

  3. Of all the things contemporary migrants do (particularly illegal ones) in America, not learning our native language is the most upsetting to me. They don’t even try. Public schools and gov’t entities exacerbate the problem by making everything available to them in every possible language. All at great expense, I imagine.

    Multi-culturalism is a weapon of the Left. Atomize society. It’s easier to pick ’em off that way.

  4. My neighbor teaches at an elementary school and Mexican parents take their kids out of school 2-3 months in the middle of the school year to take them to Mexico for vacation. The kids miss almost a half year of school and still move to the next grade level the following year. Wonderful.

  5. Current population of England is 58 million. Dumb. And I could care less. How many people in the U.S. can’t currently speak English? Sorry, I just hate stupid articles like this.


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