Sounds like the media has been annoying Dan Bongino about his new gig as the Deputy Director of the FBI.
Color us SHOCKED. Just kidding. What would the media do if they weren’t being annoying to patriots like Dan?
Luckily for them, to save time and effort (and to give us all something else to point at the media and laugh about), Dan was good enough to share one letter for them all on X. Take a look:
He could have just said: You can suck my ass.
There is a concept,”Citizen Politician” that both Jefferson and Madison wrote about; namely that all citizens, if able to participate in the political process, should sacrifice in some capacity to have skin in the game. Farmers, lawyers, school teachers, business owners, innkeepers, blacksmiths, all able-bodied have a duty to “man” the apparatus of government.
This duty did not come without some costs, both financial and familial. This is what patriots do, they sacrifice for duty and honor.
Dan was on easy street. He got both his health and financial well-being in order, and no one would fault him for saying,”I made it, I’m happy and set, leave me alone”. That is not the kind of man he is.
It should also be noted that the founding fathers NEVER envisioned career politicians, so no provisions of the Constitution addressed term limits. For them, it was a duty, not a means to enrich oneself.
Name them and make them famous like Trump did to Pocahontas.
Everyone is in big hurry to have the years in the making of the tons of BS being fixed overnight. They have no idea how big the brick wall Washington has installed to keep changes from happening. Their is no magic wand and then there’s the judges putting of their set of barriers every day or two.
@ Gray Feather MONDAY, 10 MARCH 2025, 13:53 AT 1:53 PM
Patience is a virtue. We have the A Team, let them prep the environment and then deliberately, methodically and systematically work their game plan. Ignore the back benchers and peanut gallery.
I never liked his emotional yelling program. He repeated himself over and over which I didn’t like either. I think he is going to be a disaster on the job.
Foot note: fake tears too
@Zonga — IMO, Bongino is at heart a patriot and will make a sincere effort to assist in the deep state eradication. I share your dislike of his manners on camera though. We’ll just have to wait and see whether his principles or his style come out on top. I think it’ll be the former but I could be wrong.