Vicious Rival Assaults High School Track Star During State Title Race in Virginia, Leaving Her With a Possible Skull Fracture – IOTW Report

Vicious Rival Assaults High School Track Star During State Title Race in Virginia, Leaving Her With a Possible Skull Fracture

A horrifying scene unfolded on Friday during a track title race in Virginia with a jealous competitor viciously assaulting her star rival.

As The New York Post reported, Brookville High School junior Kaelen Tucker was taking part in the 4×200 meter relay at the VHSL Class 3 State Indoor Championships at Liberty University in Lynchburg after winning a silver medal in the girl’s 55m dash earlier in the meet when the shocking incident occurred.

Tucker, who was the second-leg runner, can be seen trying to move into lane one while battling second in the front as she rounds turn four.

A common reaction would be for an opponent to move to block her entry. But a vicious rival from IC Norcom High School instead slows down, pulls her arm back, and smashes the baton with full force across the back of Tucker’s head. more here

26 Comments on Vicious Rival Assaults High School Track Star During State Title Race in Virginia, Leaving Her With a Possible Skull Fracture

  1. Wait a cotton picken minute here. I ran track when I was young and fast. A sprinter. So I did a bunch of relays and those batons are made out of cardboard or PVC. It’s not like she’s swinging a lead pipe. Highly doubtful you could give someone a concussion with a piece of 1/8 thick walled PVC tube. In fact I’m surprised it didn’t shatter. I do think she might have invented a new sport though.

  2. I’ve watched the video. It’s quite clear. What that assailant claims is simply not believable.

    She may well believe what she’s saying though, having talked herself into it and with the support of the people around her who have taught her all her life that self-esteem is everything.

    She did it, but she can’t accept the consequences of what she did, so as far as her limited perceptions go she didn’t do it.

  3. I am shocked there weren’t at least two brawls in the stands. At any point during the track meet.

    I ran track one year in high school, and we had a meet down in south Dekalb County. The track was way down at the bottom of a hill on one end, and the thugs were throwing rocks at us as we rounded the turn. I got hit on the bounce once. A teammate got hit in the neck. Fortunately, it was a small rock. Nobody did anything to stop the bombardment. The white coaches and officials were wimps, and the black ones couldn’t have cared less. I stuck with the swim team only after that .

  4. It happens, but usually not so blatant.

    I ran the quarter mile, mile relay, 220, 880 relay, 440 relay. I agree with Brad on the baton. There is no weight to them. I was thinking she probably used her balled up fist while holding it, but it didn’t look like that in the video. So I still question what happened in the strike.

    The offender’s video was aggravating. Typical child denying any responsibility. Narcissism. Never their fault. Even if they’re the only one involved.

    In my senior year I was running 4th leg of a mile relay and on entering the my first curve, I moved into the inside lane after passing a runner. The guy to my right (outside position) wanted my position but he wasn’t faster than me and he started giving me some of his left elbow with every pump of that arm.

    I returned the favor in spades. He had to be hurting because he immediately stopped and moved away from me. I felt his ribs three or four times. My team won when I crossed the finish. His came in 4th. Stop trying to cheat, buddy.

    I did not seek him out afterwards and he had nothing to say either. Some people try too hard and I think it’s totally fair to give back what was dished out – even harder, just to make a point. In the moment – not afterwards.

    Had another guy on anchor leg, during a 440 relay in my Jr year, that stepped back from his lane and stood in ours when his teammate dropped the baton so badly they gave up. It was the first baton pass in the race and they already lost. Their anchor purposely blocked our lane and our anchor did not understand my pointing gesticulations to get him to see the blocker.

    I just got us into first position on my leg. We finished 3rd because of the collision. It would have disqualified them if they hadn’t quit the race already. I was miffed.

    To this day I can’t help think it was some race hatred since we were the only all white team and taking a lot of ribbons home that day. We were dominating that day and the mile relay is the last race. He had nothing left to lose at that point. I complained and they told me they would have tossed him if not for it being the last race of the day.

    I did get my 3 letter jackets from those 4 years (3 different schools), so it was nowhere near a bad experience.

    Things happen, but this chick isn’t innocent.


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