GP: The Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), Robert F. Kennedy Jr., has asked the Center For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to investigate a possible link between vaccines and autism.
The request, which was reported by multiple media outlets including CNN and The Washington Post, will involve a study using the Vaccine Safety Datalink, which monitors safety of vaccines and investigates potential adverse reactions.
“As President Trump said in his Joint Address to Congress, the rate of autism in American children has skyrocketed,” HHS spokesman Andrew Nixon said in a statement to CNN.
“CDC will leave no stone unturned in its mission to figure out what exactly is happening.” more
Worry about autism later.
I realize this won’t be popular, but they should also investigate excessive use of ultra sound on a fetus.
I’ve many times seen it done where first use finds the fetus/baby is sleeping and they ‘use the buzzer’ to ‘wake them up.’ Then more regular ultrasound, often for extended periods and performed by nurses or even laypersons. Sometimes the ‘buzzer’ is used to irritate the fetus so it re-positions, often not for diagnostic reasonss but just so see the baby move. They treat it like a video game.
It has its purposes, but amusement is not one of them.
And while you’re at it, ban that useless, lying PCR “test”
Stop using it as an excuse to kill people AND their food.
The research has been done. They just to stop suppressing it
I believe that vaccines work, in that they create immunity to a particular disease. What concerns me is the side effects, especially the long term. Those vaccines have a lot of stuff in them that manipulates the immune system in ways that must have some very real side effects. Using vaccine on babies and children who’s immune system isn’t fully developed seems pretty questionable to me.
I haven’t been vaccinated for anything since I was in the Navy back in the late ’70’s (I’m still strong and healthy too). I think not just autism, but lupus, some arthritis, and even ‘common allergies’ may be linked to vaccines. Who knows what other long term conditions they create?
I would also say look into the types of vaccine.
Those made from dead disease cells (as far as I know) work to stimulate the immune system, as it’s supposed to be. And those vaccines had been tested for years before widespread release in order to minimize side effects.
The new poisons made from/with mRNA kill and maim more than they heal and cure. THOSE are the ones that need to be totally banned. Anyone caught injecting them into people needs to have a whole bottle injected into themselves.
Bobbie, I guess that’s what we’re calling him now, is doing one hell of a job. Remember, he’s fighting big pharma and big food at the same time. Hard to tell which one is killing us faster. However, I wish he’d focus his attention on all the damn shots out little kids are required to take to get into public school. It’s freaken insane. And maybe he is and we just don’t know about it.
Asking the Centers For Deception and Control to “investigate” autism and vaccines is LAUGHABLE. They are part of the conspiracy to kill countless people using vaccines.