Fetterman May Have Ended AOC’s Senate Dreams – IOTW Report

Fetterman May Have Ended AOC’s Senate Dreams

Red State

Now, one of the people she was disturbed by who voted for the CR, and was a big voice against going to a shutdown, is Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA). 

Fetterman just cut her to the quick, when he was asked about her comment on outrage and betrayal: 

“I hope you can relay how little I care about her views on this,” Fetterman told The Hill Friday when asked about Ocasio-Cortez’s claim that Senate Dems who vote to advance the bill are betraying their House colleagues who voted against it.

“I’m going to stand on what I happen to believe is the right thing to do but ask her, ‘What’s the exit plan once we shut the government down?’ What about all the millions of Americans who are going to have their lives damaged?” he said.

“What about the ones that won’t have any paycheck? She’ll have her paycheck, though.” More

9 Comments on Fetterman May Have Ended AOC’s Senate Dreams

  1. @Benito

    I give Fetterman credit for having a functioning brain sometimes at least. His brain works a lot better than the saliva spitting AOC.

    Maybe someday he’ll cross over completely from the dark side and leave the past behind.

  2. AOC doesn’t need a concept of reality, in fact she has no concept of reality. She went from a broke bartender to a House Representative and a multimillionaire in a matter of a few short years. It’s so easy even a bartender can do it.

  3. Fetterman’s voting record is very progressive, but he dares to think for himself – anathema for Democrats. They expect members to march in lock step with party doctrine.


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