Daily Wire
Daily Wire co-founder Jeremy Boreing announced on Tuesday that he would focus full-time on creative projects for the company, stepping down from his role as co-chief executive officer of the company.
Boreing, who founded the company in 2015 alongside Ben Shapiro and Caleb Robinson, said that he is turning his “full attention to creative and entertainment ventures for the company.” Robinson will step in as full-time CEO and assume the day-to-day operations of the company. More
I’ve been spending the last few days reading (watching) all the conspiracy theories surrounding The Daily Wire’s demise. From their bankruptcy to Tim Poole buying them out, none of it makes sense.
I’ve always had a favorable opinion of the DW cast. They have been instrumental in moving the needle to the right. But ever since the “Christ Is King” controversy, which IMO they were on the wrong side of, their inexorable slide south has been truly stunning.
It saddens me to witness the pigpile from pundits on our side, the orgasmic glee exhibited while dancing on their graves. I always had the opinion that we should support each other, but clearly, this is not happening.
DW went all in on a support/subscription scripting direction that left me no access. I stopped visiting/watching a couple years ago. I can deal with pop up ad’s of people grabbing their crotch, or false ads about “parasites leave your body”, but… DW went the full lock out route, demanding full script execution access to my browser and I stopped visiting. No apology offered.
FWIW – I allow IOTWreport some ad script revenue because the balance is there.
Oh come on. Ben Shapiro. Really? This was an pro Israeli rag from the get. If you fell for this crap you need to think harder. And on top of that it was very evident in their content. Never considered them more seriously conservative than the National Inquirer. And no I’m not antisemitic. I’m pro America.
looks like Steven Crowder was right about the daily wire…