The Big Gov Has a Huge PR Problem – IOTW Report

The Big Gov Has a Huge PR Problem


Americans have shown a high-degree of support for the cuts being made to the federal bureaucracy and spending by the Department of Government Efficiency, or DOGE. Why? A majority across the country believe the government wastes vast amounts of their tax money, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows. More

6 Comments on The Big Gov Has a Huge PR Problem

  1. And yet a decrepit Chuckles Schumer was on tv this morning assuring that they installed 100 low level judges specifically to tie Trump’s hands in lawsuits and injunctions….
    …in order to protect the Thieves and Perverts and Liars ?!??!?!

    He can’t turn into compost soon enough for me. One big pit for him, Pelosi, Schiff, oBozo, the biDumb clan, et mult al….


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