The Four Babies Plan – IOTW Report

The Four Babies Plan

The Daily Signal

Interior Secretary, Doug Burgum outlined the Trump administration’s aggressive strategy to restore American energy leadership through what he called the “four babies” approach: drill, baby, drill; map, baby, map; mine, baby, mine; and build baby build. More

12 Comments on The Four Babies Plan

  1. That “four babies plan” would work great for increasing the population of American citizens, too. Once President Trump gets the US economy up to speed, American families should consider having more children.
    A great strategy to combat the hoards of illegals (like rabbits) producing millions of anchor babies. Let’s face it, there are still a boat load of illegals who are under the radar, that won’t be deported and will keep having kids in the United States. Americans need to step it up and increase the numbers of US citizens.

  2. @99th squad leader
    Agreed, sadly however, we will not get the birth rate above replacement level until we eliminate no fault divorce laws that court rape men and reward women for leaving marriages. Younger men have witnessed too many of their peers and role models have their lives destroyed by narcissistic women and just won’t sign up for the high risk low reward that marriages offer today.

  3. I am the oldest of 4 boys all over the age of 67 when my youngest brother turns 67 next month. Four and 5 kids per family or more was common when I was growing up back in the 50’s and 60’s. My wife came from a large Catholic family of 9, 6 boys and 3 girls. And my son has 3 kids and one soon to be adopted daughter and hopefully more on the way from his younger soon to be second wife. YIPPIE! He has a great job as a part owner of a fiber optics cable installation company and can afford to have more kids which they both want.

  4. I have a few friends who had their vasectomies reversed and went on to have more kids, from 3 older kids to have 3 more younger kids. One of them was my pastor who had a daughter named Liberty and 2 sons Justice and Joe who we joked should’ve been named For All and they would’ve have had Liberty and Justice For All.

  5. Good observation, Seaoh. The court system is one of many institutions discouraging American young men from becoming husband’s and fathers – in that order. Especially, a Feminist culture which convinces American young women to disrespect and disregard men. Choosing to believe the lie that men are in general, unnecessary. Young men need to know they have a God given true purpose as principled leaders. Society will then fall in line for the better.

  6. BTW, Great plan by Burgum. There should also be a continuation of making states responsible for their own infrastructure improvements and monitoring which doesn’t include federal structures.

  7. Bad_Brad and stirrin the pot, bet you guys could teach young whipper-snappers a thing or two about increasing the American population. It is a civic duty after all. 😉

  8. 99th

    No joking. There’s a few young women at my gym that have decided I’m they’re old grandpa they can tell or say anything to. You would not believe the men that these women have run into. Now I know there still some decent virile young men running around, but damn.


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