Trump admin threatens to pull billions in federal funding unless MTA forks over NYC subway crime data – IOTW Report

Trump admin threatens to pull billions in federal funding unless MTA forks over NYC subway crime data

Get on board with subway safety or hop off the gravy train.

NYP: President Trump’s transportation chief demanded the MTA fork over data on plants to tackle subway crime and safety — or else risk losing federal funding, a letter obtained by The Post shows.

The nation’s largest transit agency needs to show it’s properly using federal tax dollars to ensure a crime-free commute, said US Transportation Secretary Sean Duffy. more

7 Comments on Trump admin threatens to pull billions in federal funding unless MTA forks over NYC subway crime data

  1. I find it very satisfyingly ironic that all of these parasites who have been sucking on the federal government tit for so many years without concern of ever being exposed are now having their government milk being used against them to coerce compliance to do the right thing…to the consternation of libs and democrats (but I repeat myself) everywhere.

    Pass the popcorn please!

  2. More fundamentally, why is the federal govenment underwriting any of this mass death insanity? NYC and its denizens want car-free travel? Fund it yourselves.

    Same with Seattle, Atlanta, Frisco….

  3. @Stirrin’ and Sippin’

    The news of Fed. gov’t support for NYC subways is repulsive to me. Taxpayers in other parts of the country should not have to pay a cent to NYC for any reason.

    It’s another good reason to despise both NYC and the Fed. Gov’t.

  4. WTF? Show me which article of the Constitution demands THAT!
    Maybe, just MAYBE, the Constitution allows the FedGov to dabble in the Interstate Highway system, canals, &c. but certainly NOT NY City’s sewer of a subway system.

    Sec. Duffy needs to hire someone who can read.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. To All of the Above
    I wondered the same thing.
    Why are MY (not-a-NY-resident) tax dollars being handed over to an entirely local entity?
    AFAIK, the NYC subway system DOESN’T cross state lines, that MIGHT put it under the pervue of interstate commerce. Might.


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