PJ Media
It hasn’t received as much media attention as it probably deserves, but socialist darling Bernie Sen. Sanders (I-Vt.) and Squad radical Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) have launched a “populist revolt” against President Trump. At least, that’s what they’re calling it. But it really isn’t about President Trump.
This is a populist revolt against the Democratic Party.
Bernie Sanders has a national network of liberal/socialist donors — a ready-made list that he fully controls. It’s not in the hands of “senior party leadership” or locked somewhere in the Democratic National Committee (or in Joe Biden’s garage). It belongs to Sanders.
He dedicated his life to building that list. And Sen. Sanders is 83-years-old.
Question: If you were in Sanders’ shoes, how would you try to cement your legacy?
Answer: It wouldn’t be by running for president in 2028 or 2032. He’s too old. Instead, it would be elevating the heir of your movement — and thus controlling the future.
Sanders wants to play kingmaker. The Democrats can sense it, too: More
Anything that will wreck the swampdonkey’s party is fine with me. That the wrecking may be done by a dirty old man who isn’t even a member of that party just makes my grin a little wider.
It would be a natural reaction to dismiss AOC as unhinged, stupid, a racist, low-tier, and less than ordinary, both in stature and accomplishments, and you would be right. But the one thing the dems taught us is that they do not rally behind excellence, dynamism, or the accomplished, it is just the opposite. Both Biden and Kamala proved this to us. He/she who can be controlled, who will gladly abandon honor and dignity for power, who will be a good little comrade and pick up an oar, because in the end, the country is not going to save itself.
But what will replace it? And could we replace the GOP with a party committed to small government, sound money, an America first foreign policy, no income taxation, etc?
What’s left of the Democrat party are the younger, very vocal, subversive pieces of shit that just hate Teslas. That’s what you’re dealing with and they are attracted to smelly old Bernie and AOC. I think the midterms are going to be an embarrassment for them. Maybe even in California.
Could this be the year the Democratic Party renames itself to be the United Socialist Party?? This in turn will telegraph to everyone else where they really stand.
The Issue is never the Issue, the only ISSUE is the REVOLUTION
Bernie’s Hypocrisy is off the charts. He’s the very type of person he’s campaigned and railed against his entire smelly life. I’ve heard him make the accusations that Trump is Putin’s puppet and meanwhile there’s pictures of that mutant with his shirt off drinking Vodka with Rusky Oligarchs while on his honeymoon. Bernie’s entire life is total Bull Shit and RFK jr pointing out the millions he was being paid by big pharma should be required viewing by every libtard. Bobbie nailed his ass.
Question: If you were in Sanders’ shoes, how would you try to cement your legacy?
Answer: Cement shoes
Standing in 5-1/2 feet of water with the tide rushing in…
Just keep giving them the opportunity to own the 20% side of every 80/20 issue and w/out the media being what it has been these two will see to it that the Democrat Party goes the way of the dodo bird. Not having USAID money flowing to their media “friends” is going to put the straw on that camel’s back.
if a card-carrying, avowed Communist is what they’re down to, then they really have dragged their party down to itz lowest level of Suck!
I will not underestimate the Democrats. Prior to 1965 they were the party of slavery, then the party of Jim Crow. LBJ just happened to be President when the Republicans passed the Civil Rights bill, and the Democrat party has been taking credit ever since and tried to reinvent the themselves and the party protecting the blacks.
Many of the Democrats I know, including so-called progressives, have a very low opinion of blacks. It’s one thing for blacks to have civil rights so long as they don’t invade the upper crust schools and live somewhere else.
Currently, Democrat “activists” are trying to appeal to their constituent’s feelings in order to push their agenda. And there are an awful lot of those morons around.
Sanders is a mega putz. He couldn’t lead a starving dog to a porterhouse steak, and here’s the video to prove it…
The New York Democrats had a good chance to get rid of AOC during her first reelection bid. NY had lost a House seat because of declining population, and they could have made it Donkeychompers district. It was right after the Amazon headquarter debacle, I think Gov Cuomo and Chuck Shroomer were considering it. An opportunity lost.
Get ready for AOC-Crocket 2028.
A DP “reformed” by Sanders and AOC could only be more radical and nutso than it is now. There is no path back from its insanity. This is not to dismiss it, however, insanity can be very appealing.