Iceland’s minister for children quits after admitting she had a baby with teen: report – IOTW Report

Iceland’s minister for children quits after admitting she had a baby with teen: report

NYPost: Iceland’s minister for children has abruptly resigned after shockingly admitting she had a baby more than 30 years ago with a 16-year-old boy — who ended up coughing up child support.

Ásthildur Lóa Thórsdóttir fessed up to the secret relationship, which started when she was a 22-year-old counsellor at the church group the teen attended, on Thursday after Icelandic news outlet RUV was tipped off about the saga.

The 58-year-old politician, who is a member of the country’s center-left People’s Party, confessed that she gave birth to the teen’s baby when she was 23 — and that the boy was in the birthing suite during her labor. MORE

5 Comments on Iceland’s minister for children quits after admitting she had a baby with teen: report

  1. …pedos get jobs working with kids for the same reason bank robbers rob banks.

    Because thats where the money is.

    I think adults that work with children should follow the Billy Graham rule for working with women he was not related to.

    “We all knew of evangelists who had fallen into immorality while separated from their families by travel. We pledged among ourselves to avoid any situation that would have even the appearance of compromise or suspicion. From that day on, I did not travel, meet or eat alone with a woman other than my wife.”

    …for use with children, I would add that adults should be rotated so its not always the same adult and child together, and EVERYTHING should be videoed.

    Not just for the kids sake, but for the adults as well.

    Because its not hard to get a kid to lie if theres a ton of money to be sued for…

  2. Why is this of interest NOW? 30 years ago, depending on statutory rate regs in Iceland there should’ve been some interest. She’s apparently been allowed too close to children for the last 30 years.

  3. The left is sick but clever, and they know how to exploit lazy, fat GOPe jackasses as well as complacent people. So, they appoint pedophiles to oversee children’s programs, obese people to oversee health services, etc. They want to turn the world upside down and “rescue” us from it when when beg them to. THEN, they’ll enslave us – and murder the pedopules and fat crazy people (an every agitator they enabled) who they used to gain power.


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