cbs news
A former federal prosecutor was found dead Saturday morning at a home in Alexandria, Virginia, authorities said.
Officers with the Alexandria Police Department were dispatched to the home at 9:18 a.m. Eastern Time on a report of an unresponsive woman.
They arrived to find 43-year-old Jessica Aber, former U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, dead at the scene, police reported. It was not immediately clear if the home belonged to Aber, or who had contacted police.
Her cause of death will be determined by the Virginia medical examiner’s office. No further details were provided. More
I’m guessing a total stomach explosion caused by too much Trump hate Bile.
What do you call one dead lawyer?
A good start.
A nuther one who knew too much… and starting to waver.
Shit happens. This is to be expected. I’ve been posting for over a decade that when progressive/Marxist/Satanism is wrapping up its latest round of increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death that it becomes particularly unhealthy to have been among the perpetrators
I dont know this woman or this place, but I know a little in general about how EMS services and coroners and presstitutes work.
You dont go from “Unresponsive Woman” to “Dead At The Scene”, ESPECIALLY with a politically connected person or location involved, unless its REAL obvious. I mean, you walk in, and its an in-yo-face, no doubter kind of obvious, like rigor or lividity or “Conditions Incompatable With The Continuance Of Life” kind of obvious. Something important has to be severed or missing, she has to be stiff as a board, or maybe a mouthful of long-dried puke with chunks of pills in it, that sort of thing. Lacking something like that, yoyre gonna start baggin’ and draggin’, which can queer a crime scene, but also causes the death to be listed as “En Route” or “At The Hospital”. Politicos tend to prefer the ‘
“At The Hospital” designation as some coroners are NOT required to investigate anything but non-hospital deaths; that way the political coroner doesnt have to say anything officially embarassing about their fellow traveller in case they overindulged or “Arkencided”.
Also, generally speaking, politico or not most medics arent going to rush in, do a couple of desultory pumps, then shrug with an “Oh well, we tried” then dump it on the cops. If theres a CHANCE youre gonna work them in the house, down the drive, in the bus, and all the way through the ER unless you either get to ROSC, and MD calls it, or if they turn stiff and start to smell. Medics typically dont WANT their charges to die, so if they call it at the door its not even a question, this is an ex-parrot lying there and no amount of pining for the fjords is going to change it.
…of course, if it IS an Arkencide they DO want it known, as a clear warning to others. Thats why the Clintons usually do a very sloppy job, to both make it obvious WHY the person REALLY died and also to point out how above-the-law they are. Such deaths are a message and moving or reviving the body might cloud the message.
…so, from this we can be sure that she was not only merely dead, she was really most sincerely dead.
The only question was if she was simply found late after a medical issue, after an accidental or deliberate overindulgence, or if someone arranged it to be so.
Only time will tell.
Because the government sure as hell won’t.
Most likely a work-related death.
I do not know this person. I wasn’t there
@SNS – I saw what you did there LOL!
I did not have sex with that woman …. uhh ……. Jessica Aber ……..
^^^^ “…I did not have sex with that woman …. uhh ……. Jessica Aber ………”
….uhh, after she was dead, that is….
stirrin the pot
Sunday, 23 March 2025, 14:04 at 2:04 pm
“@SNS – I saw what you did there LOL!”
Most realistic character in the W of O.
Claims he “thoroghly examined her” 5 minutes after he shows up despite the fact shes (a) at least MOSTLY wilted and (b) whatever’s left is still under the as-yet unmoved house and (c) probably being deficient in Witch Anatomy, and yet somehow produces a real pretty document that says EXACTLY what the Mayor (who is probably in the same politucal party) WANTS it to say, thus closing the suspicious death investigation in record time without so much as interviewing a witness or a suspect, all so they can appease a crowd of anxious Munchkinland voters as quickly as possible.
Yep, pretty durn realistic, that one…
Say it aint so SNS. You mean to say, the beloved icon of a movie, The Wizard of Oz, has political overtones? Oh dear, I’ll never see it in the same light again.
AOC was probably her doctor.
The Purge has begun.
…also, on the whole Munchkinland Coroner’s Office scandal, there’s no WAY in that amount of diegetic time that he could have gotten any labs back on the witch’s blood, urine, or hair and he never even gave Dorothy so much as a Breathalyzer; and given that this was basically a midair accident, you’d think he’d want to know if at least ONE of the pilots was intoxicated or otherwise incapacitated, but no, not THIS guy…
Well, at least she was a fucking dirty dem that had a conscience and saved us some money for the investigation.
We need more of them to start eating the barrel. Our world would be better off. And don’t they think there are too many people anyway? I’ll pony up for the ammo.
Was she visiting Ft. Marcy Park?
The death will soon enough be ruled suicide by two bullets to the back of the head.
What difference, after all this time, does it make?