CNN Trolled Mercilessly by Fake Twitter Accounts on New Year’s Eve – IOTW Report

CNN Trolled Mercilessly by Fake Twitter Accounts on New Year’s Eve

Red State

Now, I’m all for New Year’s Eve fun, but how bad is CNN?

They got taken in by a troll, running fake tweets on their chyron during their live countdown to 2022. Different fake names ran for some time, and CNN didn’t pick it up. CNN was taken in by things like “Dixie Normus” and “Ben Dover.” Seriously, guys? Paging Bart Simpson! More

11 Comments on CNN Trolled Mercilessly by Fake Twitter Accounts on New Year’s Eve

  1. Why is everyone using Twitter for a source for anything? They suck! Twitter is an open sewer! Yet almost every blog uses them constantly. It’s very depressing.

  2. First name, Kasey Izzanasoal.

    Oliver. Oliver Kloazoff.

    Al. Al Kaholik.

    Heywood Jablohme.

    Amanda. Amanda Hugginkos.

    Hugh. Hugh Jazz.

    these are just some of the Bart Simpson/ Moe Sizlak troll names.


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