A 2017 Article in the UK Was a Foreshadowing – IOTW Report

A 2017 Article in the UK Was a Foreshadowing

It’s real. The article existed –


19 Comments on A 2017 Article in the UK Was a Foreshadowing

  1. “straight men in bromances” — Straight men don’t HAVE “bromances”. We have friends, buddies, pal, comrades-in-arms, etc., but we don’t have “bromances”.

  2. Men may develop very strong friendships with one another. I have never encountered the idea much less had the idea that a little slap and tickle between friends would be a thing. At all. It sounds like a propaganda piece for the lifestyle.

  3. I have to confess, there was a time in my life when I gathered in a room with other wet, dirty, naked men and bubbles were involved. It was the shower room during basic training and none of that faggot crap went on. We weren’t Navy, after all.


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