A #BLM Founder Tells the Ugly Truth – They Do Not Care About Black Lives – IOTW Report

A #BLM Founder Tells the Ugly Truth – They Do Not Care About Black Lives

10 Comments on A #BLM Founder Tells the Ugly Truth – They Do Not Care About Black Lives

  1. BLM is about race hustling and conning people for money , prestige, and power. It is an extension of Democratic party ideology and thuggery from people like Sharpton, Abrams, among others.

  2. Race hustlers thrive because many black people hate whites, Asians, and Jews more than they love their own children. They’re literally incapable of seeing a positive future for themselves without destroying the people they hate first. Which is why the best they’ll ever do is build a future generation of Asians, whites, and Jews who’ll be slaughtering them as a basic means to stay alive themselves.

  3. The current self appointed “Royalty” is EVIL. It would be easy if it could be defined as “Democrats”, but it’s not, it’s the Swamp. The Real POTUS fought for 4 years and even some of his “inner circle” stabbed him and us in the back.
    Democratic Socialism is Communism, people who believe MSM are to STUPID to ever realize it. Many voted “Hate Trump” after 4 years of TDS, and it wasn’t enough, he still blew up the machines.
    BLM is race baiting, racism is fake in America. Yes, there is a few, if a survey was done, I would bet it’s less than 5%, it’s all media spin.

    In case you missed it.
    1969 Color, Communism & Common Sense


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