A Breed Apart – IOTW Report

A Breed Apart

Washington Examiner

Though no U.S. forces were killed in the Saturday evening raid that led to the death of an ISIS leader, one military working dog suffered severe injuries in the line of duty.

The dog, whose name and breed remain unknown, chased Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi into a tunnel and cornered him. With no place to go, the terrorist leader blew himself up along with three of his children, who he was using as human shields. The dog’s injuries highlighted the importance of military working dogs in special operations. Often, they will enter the danger zone with a camera on their backs before the humans do so.

“The dog is a war veteran and a valued member of the team,” a currently serving soldier assigned to Delta Force told the Washington Examiner. The soldier did not provide details, pending permission from the dog’s handler and chain of command. Everyone involved in the mission is being debriefed and is out of communication for the time being, the soldier said. Within the community, he says, “The injury to the dog is an injury to one of us. These dogs are a special breed of courageous.” More

20 Comments on A Breed Apart

  1. Do you think President Trump deliberately timed the raid to be coincidental with Saturday Night Live’s attack on him as being soft on ISIS, in order to make them look completely stupid?
    – I do.
    – It worked.

    The best skit on Saturday Night Live in ten years was Mr. Trump’s “We’re gonna get tired of winning” skit.
    – We do keep winning, but I ain’t tired yet.

  2. I hpoe the doggy hero survives. I guarantee you he has a home here in the heartland! but I’m sure I would be way down the list of logical and deserving adoption options….
    The best part would be (right before sweet Morpheous comes a calling) would be him whispering and sharing his life history and specifically this event!!!!….I’m not opposed with barking at the moon…..LOL

  3. I wish Trump hadn’t used the term “died like a dog”. These dogs, and most of the ones I’ve known are brave, stoic and loyal to the end and meet their fate far better then most humans and certainly better then some cowardly terrorist murderer who also capped his three children. I Hope that four-legged trooper recovers to active service or a warm and comfortable retirement with a loving family.

  4. “He was whimpering, screaming and crying, and frankly, I think it’s something that should be brought out so that his followers and all of these young kids that want to leave various countries – including the United States – they should see how he died,” the president said of the now-dead terror chief. “He didn’t die a hero, he died a coward – crying, whimpering, and screaming and bringing three kids with him to die. Certain death.”

    -President Trump
    via Brietbart

  5. Who’s a good boy?!

    “Died like a dog” is an insult to the muzzie’s. That’s fine with me. I am happily amused at the thought of that scum cowering in fear with that mighty pup biting his ass as he ran.

    We all know that a dog is much more valuable to us than any muzzie. This furry hero better get lots of treats!

  6. ” “The dog is fine and has returned to duty,” an unnamed U.S. official told Reuters White House correspondent Steve Holland. ”

    It appears some prayers are answered quickly with the outcome hoped for.

  7. scr_north

    Dark Ages history leson. the ROP thinks dogs are dirty, vulgar animals. When the Crusaders came back from Africa they (some of them) brought back this feeling in part. Which is why since the Dark Ages the term “bitch” is considered by many a swear word.

    Don wqs saying what we said decades ago ” lower than squid shit on the belly of a whale, at the bottom of the ocean”!

    Trust me the ROP all got it 5×5 )loud + clear). As did the ROpPlovers. See headlines of Post, NYt, LAT to verify what I just typed!


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