A Call For Conservative Civil Disobedience – IOTW Report

A Call For Conservative Civil Disobedience

In his address to Hillsdale College, Charles Murray explains how our government has managed over time to become the overbearing, oppressive entity today that the founders wanted to prevent. Knowing how those who want to strip away freedom have managed to chip away at our rights, Murray proposes a workable means to force our regulatory state back to reasonable bounds.  We create legal funds and sue them into proper behavior.


Of course, using the court system as a means to curb the abuses of the regulatory regime of our government really isn’t being disobedient, it’s applying the judiciary against the executive branch because the legislative branch has screwed things up so badly.

14 Comments on A Call For Conservative Civil Disobedience

  1. Reminds me of an old joke, stop me if you’ve heard it:

    God is out walking along the property line between Heaven and Hell when he comes across Satan building a fence that is obviously well across the property line on Heaven’s side. God walks up to Satan and says, “that’s a nice looking fence you’re building, but there’s a problem.

    Satan looks up at Him and says, “Oh yeah? What would that be?”

    “It’s on my property and I can’t allow that. You’re going to have to move it back onto your property”

    “Really? And just how are you going to make me do that?”

    “Well,” God replies, “if you’re not going to cooperate, then I guess I just have to sue.”

    Satan laughs, “Yeah, right. And just where are you going to find a lawyer.”

    The moral of the story is that the organized crime racket that runs almost all of the government, the ABA, is not going to help us take our liberty back from them.

    Wishful thinking.

  2. “Start applying the 2nd Amendment with its intended purpose.”

    That’s not going to happen with out either a massive organizational body where your not the only idiot out there creating a 30 second news story about how the FBI shot some whack job or total break down of civility. Option one would be best.

  3. I say make it UNcivil, give those commie bastards a taste of their own medicine! If liberal commie judges get pissy about it protest in their own front yards like SEIU would do to a conservative! Start taking the fight to them.

    Problem is conservatives don’t have as much free time to do this kind of shit because most have jobs and pay taxes!

  4. As great a threat as our government is, I’m going to allow the Trump Administration to show us something during the next couple years. I think a greater threat is islam and also illegal immigrants that are prepared to resist any attempt to enforce our existing laws. I’m not quite ready to exercise our 2nd amendment rights against our government, it’s a suicide mission. However, if the shit hits the fan with non-Americans taking up arms against us I’ll be ready.

  5. List the phone numbers and addresses of these treasonous bastards in public places so we can call or show up and voice our displeasure.
    They need to be as uncomfortable in their daily lives as they have attempted to make us.
    Invite all Illegals to their homes for free stuff. After all, they spend our money on this idiotic idea why not order them to pay up?
    I also want them fired if they refuse to follow the constitution.
    They work for us and it’s up to us to train them to be respectful of their fellow citizens.
    By the way they are not “Special” and should not be allowed to vote themselves above us.

  6. Somehow, I think experienced criminal defense pools, just waiting for the calls; a few hanks of rope, or whatever happens to be handy; and nothing but silence before, and after, the prepaid pool attorney arrives – will be cheaper, and faster, and more reliable, and longer lasting, and… what? Oh, that’s right… not who “we” are. Best to ask those With Her, what acting outs we’re allowed. Subject to change without notice, should someone Who’s Someone notice a change.

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