A cartoon speaks 1000 words – IOTW Report

A cartoon speaks 1000 words

15 Comments on A cartoon speaks 1000 words

  1. Bernie is like a living breathing IQ test.
    You have to be really stupid to want to change the lifestyles we all have now, for some impossible utopian bullshit.
    And the low IQ Democrats are failing the test.

  2. Mr. Anth Ropy: 10.000 ^s! How ANY sentient primate can believe a word that is shrieked from the mouth of that clumsy con man is beyond me. Do they not even know that he was kicked out of a hippie commune for not pulling his weight and never held a job until he was elected mayor of Burlington, VT?

  3. His Idiot wife helped to wipe out burlington college.

    Wiki: No grades, no mandatory classes, no mandatory attendance…

    Google it: Un F K N Believable!

  4. Everything the social-communists propose is a front for control and take over of your life.

    Gun control, global warming, student loans, to health care, you lose, party members get passed through the velvet rope and waived on inside.

  5. Taking money from those that earn it and giving it to those that don’t tends to create class division and class resentment.

    Best to hope for when this happens is a downturn in personal productivity in the producing class that is having their money taken from them, worst is the disappearance of most of the producing class as people simply become non producers since there is little incentive to be a producer.

    This leaves less for everyone which causes more division and resentment and then sets the stage for some form of totalitarian government to arise and restore order and stability by force.

    Intended or unintended that way? I imagine that depends on what level it comes from. Most of the ones we see instigating it are not the ones we see, and probably don’t realize they are being used as nothing more than expendable pawns in the game.

  6. Old Chinese joke:

    The unemployed make $1 more per month than the employed!
    The unemployed make $13 per month (same as the employed) but don’t have to pay bus fare!

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. “If you do not take an interest in the affairs of your government, then you are doomed to live under the rule of fools.” – Plato

    “Socialism is a philosopy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy; its inherent virtue if the equal sharing of misery.” – Winston Churchill


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