A Cartoonish View Of Detroit’s 2020 Dem Debates – IOTW Report

A Cartoonish View Of Detroit’s 2020 Dem Debates

The field of democrats seeking the presidency are a bunch of buffoons becoming stupider with each debate, so why not parody the whole clown show for a good laugh? Watch 

10 Comments on A Cartoonish View Of Detroit’s 2020 Dem Debates

  1. What’s sad is the actual debate was even more off the chart than this cartoon.
    But it’s still funny.
    I’ve said it before; It’s getting almost impossible to lampoon the Left. They write their own satire skits.

  2. Maryanne Williamson is making all the old hippies cream their jeans. They’re getting out their old Beatle vinyls and playing “All You Need is Love”.

    The drugged out old coots are ultimately the ones responsible for every bit of street poop in San Francisco.


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