A Certifiable RINO Predicts Nothing Will Get Done in the Next Four Years – IOTW Report

A Certifiable RINO Predicts Nothing Will Get Done in the Next Four Years


Former Bush-Cheney political strategist Matthew Dowd claimed Tuesday on “MSNBC Reports” that even with their majorities in Congress. Republicans won’t be able to pass legislation.

Guest host Alex Witt said, “Because on Capitol Hill, the Republican Senate leader no longer is going to be Mitch McConnell when Congress comes back. We have John Thune of South Dakota who is going to step into that role. Will Republicans be able to get anything done with slim majorities and a president who drives so much of the party agenda?” More

19 Comments on A Certifiable RINO Predicts Nothing Will Get Done in the Next Four Years

  1. What he is saying is not that far-fetched.

    The Republicans are great at carping from afar, outside looking in, they can complain and criticize with the best of them. But when they actually have power and have to govern, we see chaos, bickering from within, and a remarkable ability to look busy with nothing accomplished.

    If anybody can knock heads, kick some ass, and get that one-car parade organized, it is Trump. But there are so few decent, driven, capable folks in Congress, most think they are way more important than they are and can be counted on to pull in self-serving directions.

  2. The majority of those in congress do not answer to us so this would come as no surprise to me.

    Executive orders are the only way anything is going to get done but right now, we don’t know to what extent the outgoing Marxists have poisoned the well. No expense will be spared to cut Trump off at the knees at every opportunity.

    To top it off, the infighting has started within the Trump team.

  3. I look forward to all the RINO manning the barricades in defense of the deep state and colossal government for all the voters back home to see. Exposing them to primary challenges and stopping the growth of this overweening monstrosity called the Federal government is still a win-win for the nation.

  4. “Former Bush-Cheney political strategist Matthew Dowd claimed Tuesday on “MSNBC Reports” that even with their majorities in Congress. Republicans won’t be able to pass legislation.”

    But is he wrong, though? Remember during the run-up to Trump’s first term, all we heard from the R’s was “give us the Presidency, the Senate, and the House, and we’ll get rid of Obamacare”, and then what happened? Fuck-all, that’s what happened. Obamacare’s still a thing, Homeland Security, Patriot Act, FISA courts are still a thing, and the list goes on.

    There’s a reason the R’s are called the “weak and stupid” party.

  5. Tar and feather the SOB then ride him down to the Potomac on a rail and let’s just see if he doesn’t want to rethink that bullshit.


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