A Chemist with Startling info About Vaccines – IOTW Report

A Chemist with Startling info About Vaccines

Joe Paggs interviews Jorge Araujo, who gives us incredible info into the anatomy of a vaccine. You want this information from a guy who used to work at Merck. You won’t get this truth from the Big Media nor Big Government.

Snip: Well, I don’t know just how ‘startling’ this will be to many of us since we tend to be a pretty smart and well informed crowd. But it’s a good interview, and besides, I adore Joe Paggs. Listened to his radio show on the way home from work when I lived in Minnesota.

Watch Video Here

12 Comments on A Chemist with Startling info About Vaccines

  1. Thanks for the link to this Claudia. It should be of great interest to anyone considering getting the vaccine.

    Here’s a link to Barbara Loe Fisher being interviewed by Dr. Mercola. She runs the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) and has a lot of info on vaccines that would probably surprise a lot of people regarding the lack of safety and efficacy in many if not most vaccines, and about serious injuries from them as well. This video is a little dated (2013) but they discuss some of the same concerns put forth in the video you linked to – not much has changed apparently.


  2. grrr no edit button. I like Joe Pags but will always check. There is a sensitivity to PEG but it is either .7% or 7% depending on my google finds. You can do a skin test and if sensitive should be a good reason to say no…

  3. Further confirmation that the rush for this vaccine is a car wreck.

    Remember the old margarine commercial from years back::
    “It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature!” Haha


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