A Chinese hypersonic weapon fired missile 5 times the speed of sound – IOTW Report

A Chinese hypersonic weapon fired missile 5 times the speed of sound


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China’s hypersonic weapon test in July included a technological advance that enabled it to fire a missile as it approached its target travelling at least five times the speed of sound — a capability no country has previously demonstrated. Pentagon scientists were caught off guard by the advance, which allowed the hypersonic glide vehicle, a manoeuvrable spacecraft that can carry a nuclear warhead, to fire a separate missile mid-flight in the atmosphere over the South China Sea, according to people familiar with the intelligence.

Experts at Darpa, the Pentagon’s advanced research agency, remain unsure how China overcame the constraints of physics by firing countermeasures from a vehicle travelling at hypersonic speeds, said the people familiar with details of the demonstration. Military experts have been poring over data related to the test to understand how China mastered the technology. They are also debating the purpose of the projectile, which was fired by the hypersonic vehicle with no obvious target of its own, before plunging into the water.


17 Comments on A Chinese hypersonic weapon fired missile 5 times the speed of sound

  1. Almost 4,000 mph. Not as fast as Joe Biden when he sees a 10 year old girl in the crowd.

    Hypersonic Joe wastes no time. In a split second, his nose is sniffing deep in her hair.

  2. If our DARPA scientists know all about the technology, and how to apply it to a weapon of war, and how to manufacture it and use it, they aren’t saying.

    That is very hard to believe that we know so little about it. I believe their announcement is to condition the public that we will bow out of any dispute involving China and its neighbors. We lack the military muscle to oppose China in what it considers its home turf and waters. Even if we had the
    hypersonic weapon ourselves.

    PRC will just get stronger and stronger as a military and economic power.

    If anyone can think of a way we could counter China in Taiwan of the South China Sea, I’d like to hear it. Honestly, I would, and I hope my prognosis is wrong. I despise communism and any form of totalitarianism and if anybody has a scenario that may have a chance, let’s discuss it.

  3. Do what if chicoms are ramping up for war? More importantly, do US military be vaxxed fully? Dat what we gotta be doing RIGHT AWAY.

    Can’t we all just get along with our chicom friends and let our school boards raise our families the way they deem is proper?

    Gotta go now. My package just arrived from Amazon.

  4. Taiwan has the capability to destroy the 3 Gorges Dam. Whether they would do it is another story.

    Taiwan was never part of Communist China. Whenever you see the word reunification in an article about the current situation, you’re experiencing semantic infiltration.

    I’ll lay odds that any media source that uses it is getting Chinese money someway.

    I came across a Scientific American the other day. It’s propaganda, front to back. Every article had a leftest POV. Whtinthehell?? This is the media today, nothing more then 24/7 poison.

  5. The US may or may not have hypersonic weapons…yet. But I guarandamntee you, if China has them, they stole (or bought) the technology from us. Maybe some tech at Boeing surfing Chinese porn could have been hacked. Hell, Obiden-Bama probably gave it to them.

  6. China has no use for dumbed down BLM Antifag
    libtard millennial city dwellers.They wouldn’t
    make good slaves at all.Remember the purge in
    China around 1949 ?

  7. I dont believe for one minute the lackies at the Pentagon were caught off guard. THe US brass was caught off guard with Sputnik, Iran Revolution, 911, etc. And what do we get for being “caught off-guard”? More spending and restrictions on our freedoms (Patriot Act). The Chinese cant do anything without stealing the tech from the US or other Western nations. The Pentagon knew all along.

  8. @TimBuktu

    “That is very hard to believe that we know so little about it.”

    It is getting easier and easier for me to believe it. Given Biden’s ties to China it does not strain credulity to think he has inserted influence with Austin and Milley to switch focus off of any international threats and concentrate on fighting domestic terrorists like Kyle and concerned parents.

    “If anyone can think of a way we could counter China in Taiwan of the South China Sea, I’d like to hear it.”

    The only thing I got is to sell them boatloads of the most sophisticated defensive weapons on the planet (something Trump would do but Biden won’t)to the point where it would be so costly to China, so prohibitively constrictive that it would give them pause. But even this is whistling past the graveyard.

  9. “If anyone can think of a way we could counter China in Taiwan of the South China Sea, I’d like to hear it.”
    I couldn’t give specifics, but priority one is to remove all the boot lickers.


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