A city in Oklahoma tries mandatory face masks for all business customers – it doesn’t go well – IOTW Report

A city in Oklahoma tries mandatory face masks for all business customers – it doesn’t go well

I love these “way late to the party” bureaucrats that think now is the time for them to implement their harshest restrictions. Cities are opening up, and these aholes are figuring out ways to make it look like armageddon out there. It’s psychological bullshit designed to make citizens feel like there should be political change at the top of the governmental food chain, namely Trump.

Why weren’t these restrictions in place during the height of Covid?


An Oklahoma city walked back an emergency declaration requiring customers to wear face masks inside businesses after threats of violence were hurled at store employees.

Officials in Stillwater announced the change Friday, less than 24 hours after the rule went into effect at stores and restaurants.

“In the short time beginning on May 1, 2020, that face coverings have been required for entry into stores/restaurants, store employees have been threatened with physical violence and showered with verbal abuse,” City Manager Norman McNickle said in a statement. “In addition, there has been one threat of violence using a firearm.”


This anger was probably a bit misplaced. But the anger is understandable. We’ve witnessed inconsistencies, hypocrisies, and downright idiotic responses by our know-nothing politicians as they destroy the lives of hundreds of millions in order to defeat this year’s harsh flu season.

What will they do when next year’s Covid situation is even more severe?

Wait, what am I saying? Next year won’t be an election year. Covid-fever will be as out of fashion as fidget spinners.

16 Comments on A city in Oklahoma tries mandatory face masks for all business customers – it doesn’t go well

  1. Janet Mills just made facemasks in public her newest edict this past week.
    Lots of sheeple obeying but also lots of us not.
    She did put an exemption in. If you have a condition that makes it difficult to wear a mask you don’t have to.

    I have a condition. It’s illegal to carry concealed and wear a mask in public.

  2. I observe these people with the masks hanging down around their neck hanging on their sunvisor in the car hanging on the rearview …. touching it dropping it picking it up opening doors closing doors put the mask back on there guaranteed to catch something , cold , flu something ……the mask is a total waste .. Unless you have something or you’re taking care of someone who does and you’re in a sterile environment . Wash yr hands don’t touch your face case closed!

  3. Mandatory masks ain’t right, but it’s not quite the hill I want to die on. It’s getting close though. If I feel I need to mask up in public I use a shemagh and go all Arafat on them.

  4. They’re doing the same thing in Dallas. The democrats are just the most unbelievably ham-handed fascist dumb cunts imaginable. This COVID-19 stupidity is going to blow up in their faces like everything else they’ve done since Trump got elected. They just don’t get it. Only the most brainwashed and stupid people support democrats now, and they’re just pissing people off more and more with each passing day.

  5. The media won’t do it, but some independent media folks have tried to get them to show them the arrest reports of anyone being arrested. If you’re threatening people that would get you arrested, no?
    They won’t even say if anyone was arrested or nobody was arrested.

    Because I’m in several groups on FB, what I read was these store managers, employees and owners took large groups refusing to wear masks as a threat. They called the cops and the cops apparently didn’t want to deal with large groups of people, probably were told not to fine or arrest anyone, because then that opens it up to the courts and courts can’t dismiss due to no harm.
    The firearm story if was the one people witnessed was not even the guy carrying a gun, but a guy next to him and he didn’t threaten anyone with a firearm, but instead said in response to one manager saying they had no choice to not allow them in without a mask because it was ordered by the city, it was about time to use the second amendment to protect our rights.

    So it was more of a case they thought everyone would follow their orders and they didn’t and they had no way to enforce them without passing out fines and arrests which opened them up to the courts. They really don’t want it in the courts and it ruled to be unconstitutional.

    Although I heard of a case down in Texas that might soon be in the courts when they arrested the owner of a certain business who was given permission to open by the governor, but a crooked sheriffs department decided otherwise. He’s suing.

  6. If you’re forced to wear a face mask, wear a “SWAT” style one with eye holes only and wear dark classes under it to protect your eyes.

    Anyone doesn’t like the way that looks and wants you to change it, go ahead and comply with their order while giving them the Roman Salute to show your camaraderie and obedience.


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