A Comedic Interlude For a Stressful Day – IOTW Report

A Comedic Interlude For a Stressful Day

Or is this a stressful interlude for a comedic day?

This is stressful comedy. Bill Hader is very intense.

7 Comments on A Comedic Interlude For a Stressful Day

  1. I took a Vietnam vet with what we call PTSD now to the VA who was earnestly trying to kill himself. Not very funny.

    Except for the part at the hospital where he wandered off from the arrogant, uncaring nurses and puked in the clean linen closet.

    THAT was hilarious.

  2. I worked with a Viet Nam vet who talked about how much fun it was to machinegun water buffalos back then. He expressed guilt because he finally realized it was some guy’s means of feeding his family.


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