A Complete and Thorough Mathematically Rebuke of Obama’s Narcissistic Lie About Economy Today Was Started By His Policies – IOTW Report

A Complete and Thorough Mathematically Rebuke of Obama’s Narcissistic Lie About Economy Today Was Started By His Policies

Hat Tip- Janitor

15 Comments on A Complete and Thorough Mathematically Rebuke of Obama’s Narcissistic Lie About Economy Today Was Started By His Policies

  1. It seemed this guy could barely contain his laughter at the assertions Obozo is making out there in crediting himself for the good economy.
    The man was sharp and delivered unassailable statistics directly to the hostile press. It was a brilliant move and timed perfectly.

  2. And one of the reporters asked if these charts were presented just to refute what Obama claimed over the weekend that HE was responsible for Trump’s economic success.

    How DARE the chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors show Obama for the liar he is. Heresy!

  3. Page O — Well….yeah, because the CEA only exists on the off chance that oblowme has something to say about the economy, right?

    The WH press corpse, for the most part, are the most concentrated group of proudly ignorant people anywhere in the universe. It’s embarrassing. But mostly, they are dangerous.

  4. He was calling 0bama a liar the entire time but he was so nice and upbeat about it! LMAO. I love it! Plus the way he threw out some, “aw, bless all your hearts” at the reporters! This was the funnest econ presentation EVAH!

  5. The great economic news is to the credit of neither Trump nor Øbama. It’s actually the policies of the second Grover Cleveland administration just now kicking in. Sheesh.


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