A cop has stalled his child sex abuse trial for decades – IOTW Report

A cop has stalled his child sex abuse trial for decades

USA Today-

In 1995, Leonard Forte was due to face charges that he’d repeatedly raped and molested his daughter’s 12-year-old friend. Instead, he started dying. Forte, then a 54-year-old former detective in New York, told the court his doctors had given him a grim diagnosis: Without a heart transplant, he’d be dead within a year.

A prosecutor agreed to delay the case until Forte was healthy enough to stand trial – unless his terminal condition made prosecuting him a moot point. Forte never received a heart transplant. But he also didn’t die. Instead, he has been living as a retiree in Florida, collecting boats, taking vacations and successfully fending off his trial by professing for more than two decades that he’s on the verge of death. 


“A prosecutor”? This “cop” worked in the district attorney’s office. Ya think someone is covering for this guy?

12 Comments on A cop has stalled his child sex abuse trial for decades

  1. When you reach a certain rank in some intertwined and hidden governmental system, you’re no longer prosecutable. You will be protected from anything that could risk damaging or exposing that system.

    Of course, that doesn’t mean you won’t commit suicide if you somehow become a real threat to it.

  2. “Vermont officials have destroyed materials key to the prosecution of Forte, including most of the original trial record. The mistaken destruction–”


    “A Vermont jury initially convicted Forte in 1988 of three counts of sexual assault, which could have meant a 60-year prison sentence. But Judge Theodore S. Mandeville tossed out the verdict on grounds that prosecutors would decry as sexist, ruling that the female prosecutor in the case had prejudiced the jury by being overly emotional.”


  3. “Court records show that the grand jury declined to indict Forte. Prosecutors “thwarted us every inch of the way,” Macedonio’s partner, Wimmer, said in a recent interview.”

    MADE MAN, of some kind. First post by Anonymous probably nails it.

  4. “…he’s on the verge of death…”

    …were I her father, it would have been my life’s work to help him OVER that edge and remove the fear of death for him, just sayin’…


        Fates, we will know your pleasures.
    That we shall die, we know. ‘Tis but the time,
    And drawing days out, that men stand upon.


    We’ll soon find out what fate has in store for us. All we know is that we’ll die sometime, which is all anyone ever knows, though we try to draw out our days for as long as possible.


    Why, he that cuts off twenty years of life
    Cuts off so many years of fearing death.


    Why, the man who shortens his life by twenty years cuts off twenty years of worrying about death.


    Grant that, and then is death a benefit.
    So are we Caesar’s friends, that have abridged
    His time of fearing death.”

    -Shakespeare, “Julius Caesar”, Act 3, scene 1

    …no child molester should have to fear death for any longer than the trial takes. Let’s be kind and remove that fear from them IMMEDIATELY, perhaps even summarily in the field, under some circumstances, and where the “justice” system fails to remove that fear, it’s up to the family to grant the molester his mercy…

  5. There were an awful lot of pieces of shit lingering around Suffolk County at that time.They got away with some sick shit if the stories are to be believed. I will be visiting Florida soon for a winter getaway. If I were to come across this piece of dog shit I will break his jaw.

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