A Cure Worse Than the Disease? – IOTW Report

A Cure Worse Than the Disease?


“It’s a type of cancer that you can’t talk about with people because it could turn into a joke.”

Penile cancer is rare, but incidences and mortality rates are on the rise around the world.

According to the latest studies, Brazil, where João is from, has one of the highest incidence rates of 2.1 per 100,000 men.

‘Terrified of surgery’

Between 2012 and 2022, there were 21,000 reported cases, according to Brazil’s Ministry of Health. This resulted in more than 4,000 deaths and, over the past decade, there have been more than 6,500 amputations – averaging one every two days.

Maranhão, the poorest state in Brazil, was found to have the highest incidence rate globally at 6.1 per 100,000 men. More

13 Comments on A Cure Worse Than the Disease?

  1. Jokes about penis cancer?

    It’s as rare as heart cancer but is harder to cure.

    Men who have beat it are standing tall.

    Cancer victim’s wives are taking it hard.

    Women are encouraged to refrain from eating sausage while their man gets treated.

    Similarly, and out of pure thoughtfulness, the name “Johnson” should not be used around the patient, particularly products like “Johnsonville Original Sausage.”

  2. The article blames HPV, Human Papillomavirus and pushes for everyone, men and women alike to get the vaccine.

    Not so sure I’m all that sanguine about getting injected by anything a news outlet is pushing.

  3. I walked into the gym on Saturday and saw a guy that I’ve lifted with since the 80’s. Barely recognized him. He was down about 80 pounds, dark circles under his eyes, and that tell tale 1,000 yard stare like, WTF just ran over me. He’d just finished Prostrate Cancer treatment. I asked him about the jab. He works for a major construction company and they made it and the boosters mandatory. He told me currently there are upwards of 12 people, long time employees, that are all fighting cancer. Pretty wild.

  4. First they tried to compel us to get the Gardasil Vax to save our children. Apparently that didn’t make them enough money because now they’re threatening every man’s worst nightmare

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