A “Deal” Has Been Stuck – IOTW Report

A “Deal” Has Been Stuck

The Hill

Top leaders in both parties reached a long-sought deal on Saturday to avoid an unprecedented government default, announcing an agreement on a plan to lift the debt ceiling for two years and apply new caps on federal spending over the same duration.

To get there, negotiators had to iron out their differences on a small but crucial list of outstanding issues that had dogged the talks in recent days, including lower spending levels, new work requirements for social benefit programs and permitting reforms to expedite approval of energy infrastructure projects — three Republican demands that were opposed by most Democrats. More

They’re not even going to keep spending at 2022 levels. This is no deal, it’s business as usual. – Dr. Tar

19 Comments on A “Deal” Has Been Stuck

  1. “House Republicans had passed a partisan debt ceiling bill through the lower chamber last month, which included roughly $4.8 trillion in deficit reduction and rescinded a number of Biden-era programs, including green-energy tax credits, student-loan subsidies, and $80 billion in IRS funding.
    But GOP negotiators dropped most of those provisions during the course of the talks in order to secure the new spending caps. ”
    So much for McCarthy being a tough negotiator. GOP negotiators is the new term for “pussies.” Your servitude to the CCP is complete.

  2. The brief explanations of the deal I have seen indicate the republicans have done just what is expected. Take a very moderate position in demands then retreat from each and every point. Talk tough and run for mommy’s skirts at the first real opposition.

    They’re all in it together as we deplorables have known for a looooong time.

  3. To the 20 or so that had held out on McCarthy it is now time to remove him. He has not only violated every promise but he has now given Biden / dems cover through the election to avoid discussing spending. Talk about election interference over a holiday weekend no less. And where are those J6 tapes your promised us Kevin?!

  4. I think I will go buy a great vacation home, a really nice boat, a Bentley for Mrs. RMM, a nice classic car for me, etc. Then I will call the bank and tell them to increase my line of credit or I will default on all my loans. I wonder how well that will work.

    Why don’t they just scrap the idea of a debt ceiling? What good does it do to say “We will live within our means but we get to keep redefining what our means are whenever we want to spend some more?”

  5. The few R House members that squeaked by in 2022 like Boebart and Nunn won’t again in 2024. It’s going to be the most massive election fraud imaginable. The House is going right back to the dems.

    While a RFK JR/DJT general would be great entertainment as who are they going to cheat for as both candidates in that matchup are out for Swamp blood. That means of course there’s going to be at least one UniParty candidate, bet your ass on that. R or dem, does not matter.

    But Congress? HAHAHA While It hardly matters when Rs are in Ukraine kissing up with Zelensky while forking over billions upon billions and ignoring our border and debt here, there’s not going to be another Republican Speaker or Senate Majority leader in my life time.

    Not once in any legacy media I heard did one of these fucking scumbag news readers say anything but DEFAULT DEFAULT when in fact the federal government takes in about $600 billion/month. SS, Interest on the debt, MediCare & MediCaid are about $65 billion/month, so easily covered, but nooooo, scare the crap out of disabled old people telling them their SS & SSDI will be cut off.

    You think it’s a nightmare now? Wait until 2024.

  6. McCarthy is a dickless deceitful douchebag.

    I just sent this to my congressman (Greg Steube). I think he’s firmly against the deal anyway but I wanted to go on record with his office.

    Please vote AGAINST the budget/debt limit deal recently announced as the result of negotiations between the Speaker and the White House. No deal that excludes cutting the 87,000 additional IRS agents is remotely acceptable although that item is not sufficient by itself to make a deal palatable.

  7. The destruction of America continues apace.

    We are plagued with feminine “men,” lickspittles, liars, and thieves in possession of the highest offices in the land.

    We, the People of the United States, have been relegated to the position of tax-slaves to labor for our own demise.

    We tolerate phony elections, phony “science,” phony medicine, phony politicians, phony men, phony women, (actual) perverts, and other assorted followers of Satan – what else could we expect?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. I ask you, Are you not entertained!?

    Behold, the production values may in fact be low but this tumultuous struggle was put on at some trouble for your consumption.
    I truly hate our government and wish epic destruction and never ceasing perdition upon their heads.

    I know, I need to speak less elliptically and get to the point. Sue me.

  9. Come on everyone knew what the outcome would be, McCarthy and the RINOs caved and bent Conservatives, the middle and lower income families over the speakers desk.
    And the sheeple go baaaa.


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