A difference between Joe and Donald – IOTW Report

A difference between Joe and Donald


8 Comments on A difference between Joe and Donald

  1. Trump says what he means and means what he says.

    He doesn’t try to deceive anyone about it and doesn’t apologize for it.

    That’s the first thing that attracted my support after he announced his candidacy, and it still does the same today.

  2. If you think back on the debut of Chris Christie on the Internets, this is precisely why people got all excited about him. Remember that presser where Christie pushed back on the questions? It was a shock to hear any Republican stop the presses and question the premise of a reporter’s questions. Then Christie started hugging oblowme and …..

    We were so starved for someone to stand up to all the crap and we got it in spades with this great president! Thank you, God.

  3. I’ve known politicians all my life, and he’s no politician, he’s a businessman; and it’s about time we had someone who understands business running the business of the country.


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