A Different Look at The Viking Helmet Guy – IOTW Report

A Different Look at The Viking Helmet Guy

The footage of the people smashing windows and storming through the broken panes is not a great look. But it doesn’t tell the entire story of that day.

Here’s another look-

17 Comments on A Different Look at The Viking Helmet Guy

  1. Good show last night, although TBH, I knew all that already.

    Stuff I would like to know;

    Is there footage of the Qanon Shaman actually committing a crime?
    More coverage and exposure of the fed plant instigators.
    More coverage, footage, and interviews on all the Capital Police who let in (coaxed) the crowd and willingly gave the crowd tours.
    Any footage of police misconduct, actions where peaceful protestors were attacked by the cops.

  2. At the end of the day, what we are going to learn is that in almost every case in which any cause to charge the people serving time came up the action was instigated or encouraged by the feds or their subcontractors. Never forget, these actions on the part of instigating, encouraging or entrapment not one damn bit of it went down w/o the Republican establishment giving their buy in. Another thing, Paul Ryan was absolutely and without a doubt the point in which everything flowed regarding the coordination between Democrats and the Republican establishment. The Democrats knew that they could depend on him after what he did the first two years of the Trump Presidency.

  3. Regarding the Fed plant/instigators, I want them exposed so that the people know how their government operates and to get them prosecuted. But any dumbass present who committed crimes solely on the advice of a stranger, who was spurned to violence because he got caught up in the emotion and leanings of a mob, fuck him, he deserves to go to prison.

  4. No way in hell is the Vikings going to discard Cousins for Brady. A few years back, sure, but not now. Cousins is not the problem. He is an “adequate” QB just like Brady is now, nothing but adequate. Spend the money and draft picks on the secondary, where they are thin.

  5. I like the exchange between a Senator and an FBI official (paraphrasing here):

    “We’re their any FBI operatives inside the building on January 6”

    “I am not able to answer that.”

    “That should be a ‘No.’”

  6. I would also like a “Twitter Files” redux, something like what Matt Tiabi and Bari Weiss did with Twitter, where independent journalists get total access to the tapes as well. I want balance, the full picture, and I’m not sure if Tucker can provide that.

    Either or both of those two, maybe Glen Greenwald, somebody with established cache and not an ideologue. If the Viking popped a cop or trashed an office, I want to know about it, if the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, or whoever did in fact incite an insurrection, I want to know about it.

  7. Every day that goes by I pray that more people see Liz Cheney for the nasty lying whore that she is……

    and she is merely one of legions of treasonous parasites that inhabit our government.

  8. Rich T,
    I want one step further.
    I want all FedGov instigator agents doxxed:
    Names, addresses, phone #, car (make/model/year), license plate #, age, height, weight, picture(s). APB info.
    I want them scurrying for the rest of their (un)natural lives, looking over their shoulder, afraid in case someone spots them and makes them…..disappear.
    Prime example, Ray Epps, Rat Bastard #1 (with a bullet)


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