A Father Is Battling to Gain Custody of His Son, From A Mother Encouraging Transgenderism – IOTW Report

A Father Is Battling to Gain Custody of His Son, From A Mother Encouraging Transgenderism

Dangerous: An Arizona appeals court has reversed a decision granting custody to a father after it was revealed his mother was encouraging the boy to go to school dressed in a skirt and behave as a female.

The father is now battling to regain custody from the child’s mother who believes their son is transgender.

Court records reveal the mother “through various acts, was pushing a female gender identification” on the child, who is known as “L.” in legal documents. The father requested to receive sole custody to determine the best course of action for the child’s health care and education. He also petitioned the court to allow his son to live with him on a full-time basis, reports AZ Central.

The family court judge reacted by granting stipulations which prohibited the mother from addressing L. as “her,” “she” or a “girl.” The injunctions extend to her not dressing her son as a female, not encouraging female oriented toys, and not discussing gender identity issues at home.

The temporary injunctions will remain in place for at least the next two years while the case is under review.  In 2016 some of the rulings were temporarily removed after a court decision “that all three children’s best interests” were in better hands by giving the father sole custody. more here

25 Comments on A Father Is Battling to Gain Custody of His Son, From A Mother Encouraging Transgenderism

  1. @Claudia: maybe not – IF the mom abides by the court ruling. But you and I both know that these mentally deranged people hold themselves above ALL (and I do mean ALL) law.

    Totally sad for the boy and his sibs. Bravo to the dad for being a dad and fighting for the betterment of his children. The mom (or ovum donor)? Lock her up in a padded cell and forget about her.

  2. “”People with gender dysphoria have an increased risk for depression and suicide comparable only to other cases of people who are severely mentally ill; suffering from conditions like bipolar disorder and borderline personalities.””

    So, they suffer LIKE severely mentally ill people, but the court is saying this gender confused child of 6 is NOT MENTALLY ILL?

    Sofa King Wrong

  3. Larry, when a minor has such a serious mental disorder that it leads to self maiming and suicide; it is not bigotry to address it as what it is.
    You are a fool.

  4. Larry,The kid probably believes in the Easter Bunny. Are we to go out of are way to convince him that there is a giant bunny that hops around hiding eggs.

  5. Larry the name-caller. No ability to make an argument and defend it, just resorts to name calling. Because Larry’s a room-temperature-IQ liberal? Because liberalism is a mental disorder? Because Larry is a moron? See, Larry, two (or more) can play this game. I can call you a twisted, sick, f*cker with zero common sense all day long, and what does that accomplish, Larry? Nothing. You accomplish nothing. You are nothing. Oh, by the way, your mom just texted me and asked me to tell you it’s time to come up from the basement. Your grilled cheese is ready.

  6. Larry the Liberal is obviously one of the regular contributors.
    Good for him (or her to be politically correct).
    Stir up the pot, and sit back and watch the fun!

  7. Someone should seriously address the need for a two year review period. It’s excessive, unnecessary and dangerous. Two years is practically a lifetime in the life of a child.

  8. Larry the liberal (sic) is one of the regulars here. But the comment is hilarious. Larry the liberal (sic) is wanting us to drop the opinion that gender dysphoria is a mental disorder. Never gonna happen, Lar.

  9. I love shortbread, too – especially the home made kind.
    I don’t need any special stuff on the top, either. No crystal sugar, etc. to get in the way of the smooooth melt in your mouth.

  10. If “they” are going to drag out this assault on sanity and the kid’s mental health, Dad should buy him a kilt, a codsack and a Sgian Dubh – and enroll him in a sane private school.

  11. This is like a bad plot in a bad novel. Reality? Pinch me.

    Bruce Jenner makes the best case for transgenderism I can imagine: he was a grown-up and he thought about it a long long time. I can respect that he knew what he was doing.

    But, destroying the life and sexuality of an eleven year old kid….? ….who has a father who wants to love and nurture him. Shee-it!

    That is somebody else’s America, not mine. ….Lady in Red


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