A Few Good Men… died. – IOTW Report

A Few Good Men… died.


ht/ hw

7 Comments on A Few Good Men… died.

  1. Murdered … assassinated … “The Man Who Knew Too Much” and the MEN who tried to assist him.

    America is a sadder place for this … and for her – skating justice.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. New York,

    Bingo! I’m so sick of freaking Trey Gowdy. He’s the biggest all-talk, no-action dbag in DC. Can’t understand why the good people of SC keep re-electing him and Lindsay Graham.

  3. This enduring debacle DEFINES the lowest point our American history.
    And along with the legion of unprosecuted Obama scandals, it makes the Republican Party look as useless and unpatriotic as any group of Americans EVER, in the history of the nation.

    Paul Ryan, and his predecessors–liars, thieves, pedophiles, etc? — have failed the nation for close to two decades.
    They are worthless vainglorious scumbags.

  4. I was rooting for Jack Nicholson’s character throughout the movie.

    He had it right all along.

    “Son, we live in a world that has walls and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Who’s gonna do it? You!?”

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  1. Silence is Consent | This meme put in a nutshell how Hillary Clinton’s trial for all her crimes would go

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