A Filthy Muslim Rocket Got Through Striking a Bus In Holon, Israel – IOTW Report

A Filthy Muslim Rocket Got Through Striking a Bus In Holon, Israel

Israel must declare war. This is ridiculous.

One dead, five injured as Gaza rockets strike near Tel Aviv

More than 700 rockets fired at Israel since Monday • bus struck by a Gaza rocket in Holon, south of Tel Aviv

25 Comments on A Filthy Muslim Rocket Got Through Striking a Bus In Holon, Israel

  1. The problem with the middle east is that every party involved absolutely believes they are the good guys and the righteous side to be on.

    Something that makes negotiated peace agreements a little difficult.

    In the ME, the only peace that is acceptable is everyone on the other side being dead.


  2. Sad for any people on the bus.
    Glad that it seems to be the only one (of many) rocket that managed to break through the Iron Dome.

  3. A lot of things going on there that people don’t much notice, like our navy firing on Iranian gun boats yesterday when they were making threatening approaches.

    That could end up as something serious, gives Biden the chance to kick their ass and show them who they are dealing with.

  4. I am neither a Jew or muslim, but the muslims want me dead because I’m not one of them and the Jews don’t care one way or the other about me, so guess who’s side I’m on?

  5. Fight back or be killed. Israel doesn’t have the backing of the world, something far more tragic has got to happen before the real hardware comes to the front. I don’t think that Biden or Obama are friends of the Jews, due to Obama being a Muzzie.

  6. The problem with the middle east is that every party involved absolutely believes they are the good guys and the righteous side to be on.

    The problem with the Middle East is that one of the parties involved absolutely believes they are the good guys and the righteous side to be on, and believes they are fully justified in engaging in the wholesale slaughter of everyone who disagrees.

  7. Israel should announce to the entire world “Just ONE more attack on Israel, and we will scrape the Dome of the Rock mosque off of the Temple Mount, and build the third temple!”

  8. “In the ME, the only peace that is acceptable is everyone on the other side being dead.


    Not true.

    If the Muslims laid down their arms, there would be peace.

    If Israel laid down their arms, they would be wiped off the map.

  9. Yo, Israel, level the rocket launch sites. Since they put them up in hospitals, schools, and high density neighborhoods notify them they have 4 hours to evacuate and level everything. Offer to relocate them to Syria where Palestinian’s are treated like the scum of the earth but that is never reported on.

  10. Some of these anonymous faggots are annoying communist asshats.

    They, too, go on the list to be shaved, sterilized, and destroyed.

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