A Fine Time to Become an American – IOTW Report

A Fine Time to Become an American

Renowned Oxford-trained historian Niall Ferguson recounts his recent experience of becoming an American citizen. Hisย unique impressions are both moving and surprising โ€” even to him.

h/t Act! For Canada.

7 Comments on A Fine Time to Become an American

  1. Renowned Oxford-trained historian

    Well, that explains it. The fine Mr. Ferguson can no more “become an American” than a man can become a woman. What? Oh. Never mind.

  2. I have to wonder what he thinks about the millions who have snuck and are sneaking in the back door. And get all the bennies with none of the obligations.

  3. Lt. Bradshaw, how can they be in two places at once when they’re not anywhere at all. Or to rephrase it in today’s terms, how can they be citizens of two places at once and not get anywhere at all, except for free shit just for being here illegally. We don’t owe them squat. And we’ll keep Niall Ferguson, he’s the right kind of grateful new US citizens that this country really needs.

  4. He is a good writer. I have at least 3 of his books. I recommend them. The last one I finished a few weeks ago, called The Great Degeneration – How Institutions Decay and Economies Die. A quick read at 173 pages.


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