A Fix So Bad Only Gruber Would Come Up With It – IOTW Report

A Fix So Bad Only Gruber Would Come Up With It


Just as the premium increases for 2017 are being floated, Obamacare “architect” Jonathan Gruber appeared on CNN yesterday to discuss his masterpiece.  According to the economics professor, all they have to do is get the “free-riders” to pay up by raising the cost of not buying Obamacare.


How about letting the free market work unhindered by government interference or is that not an economic principle you’d endorse, Professor Gruber?

11 Comments on A Fix So Bad Only Gruber Would Come Up With It

  1. What? Is he going to go door to door demanding to see proof of purchase of O’BozoCare? I hope he comes, personally, and alone. I’d give him a high velocity lead infusion to take his mind off this current problem.

  2. I wish they would. I wish they would just blast it straight to ridiculously high premium they would need to keep it running.

    Our government masters always strap our fetters on piece by piece over many years so that we don’t understand how bound we’ll be when and if they ever decide they have “ruled” us sufficiently.

    If our ancestors had known how far they would have taken social security, medicare, the income tax, and understood where public schools were heading, they would have bought into none of it.

  3. It would truly seem that over the past 40 yrs…the higher the university degree, the higher the stupidity factor. There was a time when holding a doctorate, i.e., PhD, was respected. Nowadays, the degree from most Liberal Covens worldwide spells the recipient as being dumb and dumber. While they brag on their IQs, for the most part the practical application of these IQs, where the rubber meets the road, has them traveling on retreads with the steel belts showing through.

  4. Another scumbag. Beat that fucking Gruber PhD over the head with hurley. I’m running out of baseball bats and coal shovels. Pricks like him should not be allowed to roam the streets and appear on TV without a bodyguard.

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