A Glimpse at a Therapy Session For Trump Derangement Syndrome – IOTW Report

A Glimpse at a Therapy Session For Trump Derangement Syndrome

Send this to all Trump haters, because this is them.

ht/ Dadof4

8 Comments on A Glimpse at a Therapy Session For Trump Derangement Syndrome

  1. Last night I got one of those robo calls from POTUS! never gotten one before, so I listened and decided to vote as he requested today in Mich. primary, which I did bright and early (changed one of my votes) paid for by Trump campaign I think it said something like that. Then later I mailed a B-day card to Sarah Sanders as Moe Tom reminded us. Told her I’m gonna make one of those chocolate pecan pies one of these days. Winning!

  2. DadOf4 I have to be as my hus. is out watching a cable news about how potus is endangering the honey badger right now! only because I’m so sweet can we continue–but just let me utter some big words like “voting infrastructure” and he gets very pissy! His parents adored FDR and taught him too well. . .

  3. @ Dadof4- no need to clone, the internet is forever as long as she is not de-personed and removed by the TechnoFascists in the not so great tradition of Stalin.

    BTW I am a dadof2.

    @Dee- My vote here in NY means NOTHING but I vote regardless. Very gratifying…good for you!

    Southern NY getting HAMMERED by thunder and lighting right now!


  4. Last night I got one of those robo calls from POTUS!
    Dee, Me too, Me too. Got up early an did the same.
    Mr. worked late ,ran out the door and came back said who
    was I supposed to vote for? He’s such a kidder.
    Can’t wait for results.


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