A Golden Shower We Can #BELIEVE IN – IOTW Report

A Golden Shower We Can #BELIEVE IN

Claire McCaskill’s husband’s ex-wife is accusing him of punching her in her cancer-laden breast and also PEEING on her!

I don’t know why, but I #BELIEVE HER. I almost feel like I am brainwashed into believing her. Like, a knee jerk thing.  I can’t explain it.

The Blaze-

Missouri Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill’s husband, businessman Joseph Shepard, was reportedly accused of domestic abuse against his ex-wife multiple times — including hitting her in her cancer-stricken breast and peeing on her  — Fox Newsreported.

Shepard married McCaskill in 2002.

What are the details?

Fox News revealed a protection order and police reports pointing to documented instances of Shepard allegedly abusing his ex-wife, Suzanne Shepard.

A 1993 police report details that Shepard’s daughter — who was 13 years old at the time — called the authorities to say that her mother had been assaulted. According to Fox News, the report listed Shepard as the only involved person, and no charges were filed.


13 Comments on A Golden Shower We Can #BELIEVE IN

  1. And what does this have to do with anything?
    Oh,I forget the Russians.
    Nice try, that has been tried once before.
    Time to start looking for a real job Claire,and your husband too.
    The teat is dry that you have been feeding off of for years.

  2. @Uncle Al (at 10:13 pm): In former Soviet Union, you have to pay extra for that.

    Iss complimentary for Americanski Presidential candidates, though, courtesy of Demokrat Party.

  3. @Poor Lazlo:

    Uncle Al, an exception exists.
    A Gentleman may indeed urinate on someone else; but only if he pisses on them from a considerable height.

    I hadn’t thought of that, Poor Lazlo, and you’re quite right. As long as he washes his hands after! (-:

    And while we’re here doing bathroom humor…
    TRUE GENTLEMAN: A man who steps out of the shower to urinate, even if he’s alone.


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