A “Group of Guys” Throw a Pipe Through Car Window Smashing the Teeth Out of Teen Girl – IOTW Report

A “Group of Guys” Throw a Pipe Through Car Window Smashing the Teeth Out of Teen Girl

When her boyfriend went in a store to buy cigarettes, he came out to see “a group of guys” around his car, ogling his bikini-clad girlfriend and making lewd comments.

When he confronted ‘the group of guys” they ended up inflicting horrific injuries to the girl – more stitches in her lips than she could count, and a mouthful of busted chompers.

There was no mention of what these “group of guys” looked like, even after they say that authorities want help in identifying the suspects.

So, this must mean they were black. The article has surveillance video. 

Right again. I’m 3,576-0.

24 Comments on A “Group of Guys” Throw a Pipe Through Car Window Smashing the Teeth Out of Teen Girl

  1. She should not have been wearing a martini. ugh, martuni,,ah, bikini. Bikinis insight males, like any “group of guys” to violence.
    Ban Bikinis, guns, rifles, forks, and hammars and everything will be just fine. In countries where women were burkas, there is no crime. A proven fact. I shit you not.

  2. Y’all are jus’ rayciss!

    These gentlemen were merely discussing philosophical ideology when these privileged folk showed up and interrupted their deep and meaningful discussion by actually buying something instead of stealing…

  3. False. They were actually on their way home from church where they had been volunteering at the soup kitchen, handing out blankets to the homeless, and preaching the gospel to those in need.

    Exhausted from all of that, they stopped at the store for some tea and skittles. Rejuvenated by their nourishment, they decided to play a pick up game of stick ball. They couldn’t find a stick so they used a piece of pipe and it was that pipe that slipped from the hand while playing the game.

    You see, they really dindu nuffin and all y’all just be rayciss.

  4. Gee Wally, isn’t it funny how facts can all of a sudden become “racist” when they don’t fit yer agenda?

    The media in this country has to stop playing favorites and dangerous games with the facts!

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