
Hello progressives,

This morning you’re probably wondering why there’s something about Turkey shooting down a Russian plane in the news. Why is this story taking up valuable space in your news feed and taking away time from reading about how stupid Donald Trump and Ben Carson are, or how yoga is cultural genocide or how oppressed Yale students are? And didn’t Obama already fix the Syrian Civil War with a hashtag?

putin erdogan

You’re probably worrying over which side is the progressive one in the Turkey-Russia spat. So I’ve written this helpful guide just for you.



  1. If Turkey was closer, I’d give the edge to Russia but it’s too far away. Russia is already having problems keeping it’s fighters and bombers in the air over Syria.

    Hopefully they can keep other busy for years.

    HTF did Turkey get into NATO?? Who the hell engineered that?

    Just to show you how GD clueless REgressives are, my sister and her creepy retired academe husband just took a vaca to Turkey?

  2. The Crimean War, all over again – except this time, maybe England and France will have enough sense to stay out of it.

    “History always repeats.
    First time as Tragedy, second time as Farce.”

  3. “vaca to Turkey”

    I have a friend that took a group of people to Cuba for their vacay. I was hoping that they would get to see the truth. Alas, they all came back with glowing reports. Damn.

  4. in the context of now, i am grateful for putin telling our chosen emperor that he has had no clothes since 2008 election

    he properly called obama a child, and has shown him as an international buffoon

    it is an upside down world when you find yourself perversely rootin’ for putin

  5. Wife and I went to Istanbul and Ephesus a few (maybe 10) years ago. Ephesus is a beautiful ruin but Istanbul is a little (a lot) too crowded for my taste. People weren’t hostile at that point – just trying to sell the tourists a bunch of stuff. Much more aggressive than an American Farmer’s Market, for instance.

  6. Erdogan – “The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers”

    This should be a screenshot everyone keeps in their phone and is the most damning proof of what many of us “tin foil hat” wearers have been saying.

    Why is odinga and the rest of the traitors allowing isis scumbags to invade their countries? Why are we losing to isis? Why is odinga secretly arming the muslime filth? Why is Hitlery demonizing our Vets as terrorists and unstable? Why is Hitlery setting up the coming violence against our Police Officers from moslime attacks if we dont let in Syrian rabid dogs? Why is odinga demanding all Police Departments return previously given surplus equipment given to fight respond to terror attacks? Why is the Black Lies Matters savagery assassinating our Police Officers being rationalized?

    Because islime is a Armed Military Cult, violent and blood thirsty, disguised as a religion. Unlike the military and our police that are segregated on bases and in police stations and wearing uniforms, these savages are blended into civilian society and are on top of us, next to us, behind us in every corner of our society and in every institution. They will be omnipresent and become the fabric of society. the police and army are kept out of everyday civilian life except for a crisis.

    These filthy moslimes are meant to do the dirty work most current Police Officers and Soldiers wont do to an unarmed, civilian, fellow countryman. They will become armed enforcers, like odinga said he needed, a civilian force just as strong as the military, wreaking carnage on the non believers.

    There is no singular unified military force or police force that operates world wide with a common set of laws, authority, and command structure with more than One Billion soldiers or cops. Islime on the other hand is just that. Unified, violent psychotics, cultists, armed, and permeating every inch of the planet.

    They are the common enemy of humanity. Only islime can cause commie Russians, Chinee, freedom loving Americans that recognize our own government is now a threat, Pollacks, good Germans, Sikhs, Jews, Hindus, Buddhist Monks, Filipino Catholics, you name it. The most odd bedfellows will join together on the planet if this scourge of verminous bacteria is to be eradicated.

    They are not good people. They are human garbage. Dont take my word for it, take their own words for it. Take Erdogens words above for it.

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