A Hex on Brett – IOTW Report

A Hex on Brett

A recent Facebook post invites all good wiccans and practitioners of the occult to join a gathering in Brooklyn to place a hex on Justice Kavanaugh, rapists, and the patriarch in general.

The organizers are charging $10 a pop, with 25 percent going to Planned Parenthood and another 25 percent to the Ali Forney Center (for LGBT). More

18 Comments on A Hex on Brett

  1. I’d tell the to be careful, seeing as everything they’ve done so far has boomeranged on them, but I think I’ll just sit back and watch them perform “Lady Ghostbusters” in the park.

  2. My prayer is that their curses and hexes are turned about on them. Little do they do know that they can not win despite all their chutzpah and blustering, they are going to get their ass kicked and they won’t know what hit them, but the victory is ultimately God’s and not mans. I wouldn’t want to be them when God’s wrath is poured out on them for their audacity of opposing God as well as the American people. If they had any brains they’d quit now but they won’t, their pride and arrogance won’t let them.

  3. My-oh-my! These feminists are just so darn cute when they dress up and dance and wave their arms around, aren’t they? Hey, girls! You look great in those outfits! How ’bout a group hug and a picture for us men? Now, smile!

  4. That witchcraft is of Satan.
    It is real and you as a Christian
    need to stay far away from it.
    Brett needs to pray and we need to pray
    for him and his fine family.

  5. Aren’t these the same people who say thoughts and prayers are offensively useless?

    On an unrelated note, who else want’s to troll this gathering with an ice cream truck?

  6. I see “wicca” and immediately think “White Incredibly Corpulent Crazy Asshat”.

    Of course I’d troll these gals with an ice cream truck…. possibly 20% off of Curves Fitness Club coupons… I dunno’, haven’t decided yet.

  7. LMAO! They tried that on Trump – a curse and Trump grew stronger and is Making America Great Again! Many of those who tried to curse him ended up being cursed themselves. McCain, dead, Harry Reid, pancreatic cancer, Kathy Griffith – failed career, Ford – failed and shown to be a liar by Trump – a curse, Comey, McCabe, Strozyk, I’m sure there’s others.


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