A Hot Air Cruz Supporter Says He’s Considering Voting For Trump Out of Spite – IOTW Report

A Hot Air Cruz Supporter Says He’s Considering Voting For Trump Out of Spite

Jazz Shaw gets it.

Hot Air-

I expect to see this sort of exercise in gamesmanship from the cable networks. We should blame everything on “the rhetoric” coming from Trump and his surrogates. But it’s not just the cable news spokesmodels. We once again have conservatives who are leaping out in front with the same message. I’m old enough to remember when one of the core tenets of conservatism was the idea of personal responsibility for one’s actions, including starting riots. Free thinking adults are free to ignore or condemn rhetoric they disagree with. When they decide to gather up tens of thousands of people to take to the streets and bust the joint up, that’s not something which was traditionally blamed on a speech given days or weeks before. But the truly dismaying part of last nights social media onslaught was the sight of #tcot conservative thought leaders gleefully joining ranks with the supporters of MoveOn, Black Lives Matter and Bernie Sanders’ operatives for the sake of blaming Donald Trump for a protest march and the cancellation of a what was undeniably an exercise in free speech.

At this point the entire media circus – including conservative media – over this campaign has me so sick of covering it that I’m considering shifting my column space here to gardening tips and video game reviews. I still believe that Donald Trump is far from the best choice for our nominee and that Ted Cruz offers us the best chance for victory with a solid conservative. But the more I see these over the top reactions to everything related to Donald Trump I’m almost tempted to cast a primary vote for the real estate mogul just out of spite.

21 Comments on A Hot Air Cruz Supporter Says He’s Considering Voting For Trump Out of Spite

  1. “I watched Pam prior, and it looks like she’s just taunting everybody,” said Trump. “What is she doing? Drawing Muhammad and it looks like she’s taunting people.” So Trump said it was Pamela Gellers fault for causing the violence in Garland so Ted Cruz is right according to Trump. Trump is taunting people to become violent.

  2. @Navigator, Cruz is showing his true colors more and more each day and the same traits some don’t like in Trump, is even more extreme in Cruz. I won’t vote for Cruz, I’ll write in Trumps name if I have to. I agree with Trump when he says that Ted holds up the Bible with one hand and lies from his mouth.

  3. So according to Trump supporters that are falsely accusing Ted Cruz of siding with the thugs that would mean Trump sided with the radical Muslims. Can’t have it both ways.

  4. Haven’t been to Hot Air since Salem decided to flip-off their commenters by switching to facebook. Apparently everyone of the writers have lost their minds with the exception of Jazz.

    The longer this campaign goes on the more Ted Cruz exposes himself as being a slimy crapweasel.

  5. “So according to Trump supporters that are falsely accusing Ted Cruz of siding with the thugs that would mean Trump sided with the radical Muslims. Can’t have it both ways.”

    So, what YOU’RE saying is that Cruz is no better than Trump.

  6. The Donald is surrounded:
    To his left he has La Raza, BLM, Soros, Moveon.org, and most of the MSM
    To his right he has Mark Levin, National Review, The Weekly Standard, George Will, Jonah Goldberg, and FOX.
    In front he has Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Menderman, and True Liberty of IOTWR.
    Behind his back he has John McCain, Lindsey Graham and the rest of the GOP establishment.

    But have heart Donald. As the great Marine Gen.”Chesty” Puller said when surrounded: “Great, now we can shoot the bastards in every direction.”
    BTW. I just wrote off Ted. Now it’s TRUMP OR DIE.

  7. If you have no argument, you stifle the debate.

    Soros and his minions may have overplayed their hand (to use a poker simile).

    The streets of America are NOT the coddled college campuses of the whiny, affirmative action, safe spacers and REAL AMERICANS take umbrage at being told to “Shut up.”

  8. I’m glad this shit went down before election day. I can now vote with a clear conscience.

    I know I came out on these pages a few weeks ago and wrote Trump off because of his stance on eminent domain. Compared to some of the vitriol coming from Trump’s co-partiers, that doesn’t matter so much any more.

    I still don’t care much for Trump, but Cruz gives me no choice now. He’s clearly aligned himself with everything I hate about the Republican party.

    If the DC elite are against Trump, them I’m all for him.

  9. I’ve been a Cruz supporter since the beginning, but his sleezy campaign staff and now this has decided it for me—I’m going full throttle and voting for Trump this Tuesday.

    Eff them all—to quote George Clinton, TURN THIS MOTHER OUT.

  10. ” I’m almost tempted to cast a primary vote for the real estate mogul just out of spite.”
    That is exactly what I did here in FL 2 days ago (Early voting) because of Mitt Romney

  11. Navigator
    March 12, 2016 at 5:56 pm

    @Goldenfoxx, I think we should support whoever the nominee is. If Hitlery wins, we’re done.

    Noooope, did that with McPain and with Romney and I’m not doing it again. I’ve been pretty pissed off since Obummer got in and it’s been almost 8 long years of being pissed and that’s enough for me. Hitlery will be in an orange jumpsuit soon so I’m not worried about her or any Democrat candidate for that matter. Trump can win, the Establishment is scared shitless and that’s good enough for me.

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