A.I. on the Battlefield – IOTW Report

A.I. on the Battlefield

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency or DARPA is reportedly handing out contracts to developers to find ways to make artificial intelligence (AI) available to the infantry squad. They’re envisioning using AI to help troops in the field with situational awareness, coordination of forces and targeting.


These systems are not going to replace the soldier in the field, but will instead enhance functionality for a more rapid and lethal action when called upon.


14 Comments on A.I. on the Battlefield

  1. . . . . “enhance functionality”. . . . .
    Sure. . . . barely able to carry their own weight. A source of breakdowns at the most inconvenient times. Needing extra soldiers to manage the fuel (or other power source), the maintenance, mechanics, repair and overhaul after X number of hours or miles. As well as other POGs to keep the records, etc.

    Naaah. Just let the infantry be the infantry. The only tools I’ve seen that would enhance the Infantry’s carrying ability was (from WWII) a German one-wheeled wheelbarrow (One large wheel, with two baskets, one on each side of the wheel. Odd looking, but it works), the mule and horse, and the dune buggy type vehicles.

  2. Skynet just approved this announcement on Twitter…but the date they posted seems to have been from the future…weird…and their avatar looks like the former governor of California…really weird.

  3. If we’re hearing about it they already have it.

    I’ve been told, by someone who used it, that US fighter jets had the helmet mounted targeting systems (like the Wii Mote motion detection) and removable flash data storage decades before such devices were ever sold to the public.

    They were trained on it but the high tech stuff never entered the theater of war unless it was necessary due to the security risk. In other words they don’t mount it unless it’s gonna be used.

  4. it’s all old news now, of course. I had always heard that the “military” was many years ahead of consumer grade hardware. This anecdote by a vet confirmed that the “urban legend” was at least true to some extent.

    This same guy also is convinced that Artificial Intelligence has been operational for years now, being in clandestine service in some capacity somewhere.

    He had this opinion because years ago AI was being talked about a lot, then suddenly …. nothing. He thought that this shift in focus likely meant they figured it out.

    But, if I never post again, it’s due to the MIB having come to take me for a ride…

  5. FTA – “DARPA is reportedly handing out contracts to developers to find ways to make artificial intelligence (AI) available to the infantry squad.”

    In my time in the amphibious infantry, I would’ve liked to seen demonstrable intelligence of ANY sort (“artificial” or otherwise) from Company & Field grade officers.

    Thank God for Sergeants.

  6. Yeah. Like the Star Wars phenomenon of the 80s. It never materialized but the thought that it did put the Russians off their game and then the Cold War ENDED! How cool was that?

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