A Lady Who Sexually Abused Her Sister Is Campaigning For Hillary In Iowa! – IOTW Report

A Lady Who Sexually Abused Her Sister Is Campaigning For Hillary In Iowa!

Lady? Lol.

DailyWire: According to CNN, Lena Dunham, creator and star of the HBO seriesGirls, Hollywood’s gold-standard of feminism and lover of all things Planned Parenthood, is set to hit Iowa to campaign for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton starting January 9.

lena d Hillary


13 Comments on A Lady Who Sexually Abused Her Sister Is Campaigning For Hillary In Iowa!

  1. “What does a stumper wear?” How about a T-Shirt that says:

    I’m not WITH stupid, I am Stupid.
    Which way to the Women’s Correctional Facility?
    Bill wouldn’t hit me, so all I got left is campaigning for his wife.
    My 15 minutes of fame went to my waist (butt, thighs, etc.)
    Fell the Bern

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