A lawsuit? Will the DNC ever stop stepping on rakes? – IOTW Report

A lawsuit? Will the DNC ever stop stepping on rakes?

Patriot Retort: Whelp. I think it’s clear by now that the path to this alleged “Blue Wave” is littered with rakes. And the Democrats just can’t stop stepping on them.

With the Russia collusion narrative falling apart faster than Keith Olbermann’s composure, the DNC has decided the best course of action is to sue.

Yup. They’ve filed a lawsuit against Russia, WikiLeaks and the Trump campaign for “a brazen attack on American Democracy.”

On Planet Earth we call this: “Sore losers.”



Any old how.

See, they claim that the Russians – working with Trump – hacked the DNC servers and provided the data to WikiLeaks.

But here’s the thing, up until now the DNC has refused to permit anyone to inspect these servers to search for proof of this alleged “hack.”

Does it not stand to reason that by suing over this hack, they will be forced to provide the servers?

Now, I’m no lawyer, but that was the first thing that occurred to me.

And, clearly I’m not alone.  MORE

17 Comments on A lawsuit? Will the DNC ever stop stepping on rakes?

  1. So the DNC is going to allow experts from the opposition to forensically examine their servers? I mean that is like the first requirement of a court case.

    Uh, good luck with that strategy.

  2. This is far beyond stepping on a rake. This is Russian Roulette with a fully loaded revolver.
    Marco nailed it on a previous thread. Discovery. The same people filing this law suite will end up criminally charged.

  3. All along the DNC has accused others of what they have done and are doing.

    Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals

    Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition diffuses one attack, hit them from the flank with something new.
    “The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.”
    “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.“
    Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.

  4. Great thing about this discovery issue is that the DNC cannot just say oh forget it we’re dropping the lawsuit. The defendants can still say no we’re going along with it and it’s too bad for the DNC. In other words, all parties need to agree to drop it.

  5. @Different Tim So very true. But consider the “case” A hack of the DNC servers. Without the servers where is the case? I don’t think they stepped on a rake, more along the lines of a “Bouncing Betty”


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