A Lesson In Free Speech – IOTW Report

A Lesson In Free Speech

Someone with an Obama mask being led by a noose was spotted in the stands at Camp Randall Stadium last night for the Nebraska/ Wisconsin game. The response from UW-Madison is remarkable in its restraint.


It seems the masqueraders were wearing a two sided costume.  The front had oversized cutout heads of Hillary and Donald, the back was the Obama mask for one of them.

8 Comments on A Lesson In Free Speech

  1. It’s the other way around, Dr Tar:

    TRUMP *always* was the one holding the noose;
    The “recipient” had an Obama mask on, on the way in…
    …and held up a Hillary cut-out on the way out.

  2. Remember the rodeo clown wearing an Obama mask, who lost his job. And what of all of the others who DARED do to Obama, what the libs did to Bush: hang him in effigy?
    They were called racist. Political criticism of Obama was ‘racist’. What a crock.

    This story tells me that the PC ship is starting to flounder and MAYBE conservatives will have freedom of speech, as well as thought, once again, IF WE DON’T VOTE HILLARY!

  3. mpls tribune writer just had to say “the nations first black president”.

    Dam whiners, all petty, commenters are ignorant of free speech. Drag the white half of the f’n obama around.

  4. Well done!

    This morning at church there was a stack of voter guides next to the Holy Liturgy books. A photo of Trump in one column, photo of Hillare in the other. It was just a list of issues heh, if Trumps position was NO her position was YES, all the way down. Wonderful to see that in church.

  5. They should ban all DemocRAT America hating Marxists! They, the DemoRATS, are the most putrid, ugly, moral phobic, evil and slime filled assholes known to human history!

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