A Letter To My Boss – IOTW Report

A Letter To My Boss


    I have enjoyed working here these past several years.  You have paid me very well and given me benefits beyond belief. I have 3 to 4 months off per year — and a pension plan that will pay my salary till the day I die and then pay my estate one year’s salary death bonus; and then continue to pay my spouse my salary (with increases) — until she/he dies –along with a health plan that most people can only dream of having. Despite this, I plan to take the next 12 to 18 months to find a new position. During this time I will show up for work when it is convenient for me. In addition, I fully expect to draw my full salary and all the other perks associated with my current job. Oh yes, if my search for this new job proves fruitless, I will be coming back with no loss in pay or status. Before you say anything, remember that you have no choice in this matter. I can, and I will do this










Every Member of Congress running for Re-Election

ht/ bubba

12 Comments on A Letter To My Boss

  1. Voted for all by themselves!

    What other job can you decide EVERYTHING yourself?

    At what other job can you make draconian ‘laws’ for the nation and EXEMPT YOURSELF?

    At what other job can your vacation be fully paid for by taxpayers and include ‘part of the job investigative junket’ visits as elitists, to anywhere?

    Congress needs to be paid and ‘perked’ like the lowest ranked member of the military!

    Deployed like the military, on ‘investigative junkets’ WITHOUT FAMILY!! Housed like military.

    And the STATE constituents of each member of congress should vote for raises according to merit.

    And senators need to go back to being STATE employees!

  2. The maggots aren’t lying, fighting, and spending $Millions to get in there because it’s all about “service.”

    Jay Rockefeller (just one example) spent $15 Million to get his seat in the Senate and his break-even point (cost/salary) was around 100 years.

    So, NO, it ain’t about “serving” the community – it’s all about corruption and theft.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. We can change this.
    Through a convention of states under article V. That’s the tidy way.
    There is a messy way.

    One way or the other it must be changed. It will take courage.

  4. If the Framers ever missed the mark on anything, term limits is it. And the Why I Had No Idea excuse doesn’t fly considering the evils they had seen in the succession in royal families where wholly unfit or even children were in line to rule.

    Expecting them to remedy this abomination is crazy. I’d love to see candidates for Congress pledging that they would only run for reelection once(senate) or twice(House) but in all my years I’ve only seen one guy do that. Tom Tancredo and he went one term past his pledge. I wish he’d write a book because when he’d fill in on KOA, man the stories he told.

    I won’t ever understand this need for power and wealth like they have and if anyone thinks that’s what the Founders meant for representation, take your head out of your ass. The bullshit Congress combined with the entrenched bureaucracy and the legislating courts is a fucking nightmare.

  5. You can count on both hands who deserves to keep their position in Congress. 🙄

    The rest should be tossed into prison and get the same treatment that the J6 prisoners in DC are receiving. 😡

  6. @mystaclean July 26, 2022 at 6:21 am

    > One way or the other it must be changed. It will take courage.

    No, Scarecrow, it won’t.
    And that is why, it won’t.

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