A Little Diversity – We haven’t done this in a long time – IOTW Report

A Little Diversity – We haven’t done this in a long time

Time to flex those funny muscles.

This is a twitter game running currently:


My submission-

“How fond of your penis were you?”

88 Comments on A Little Diversity – We haven’t done this in a long time

  1. A company doctor once told me during a visit to review a chest x-ray that I’d be having open heart surgery before the end of the day and I needed to get my affairs in order. He told me I had an aneurism on my aorta. He teared up as he sent me out the door to the hospital. I was perfectly healthy. I wanted to strangle him.

  2. Old joke:

    Doctor: “I’m sorry, but I’m afraid your condition is terminal.”

    Patient: “Oh my God! How much time do I have?!”

    Doctor: “Ten…”

    Patient: “Ten WHAT? Years? Months?”

    Doctor: “…nine…”

  3. Doctor: “And here are your seventeen prescriptions. What? Kickbacks? I don’t take kickbacks!”

    Fifteen minutes later, we see him being driven away by his chauffeur in his new Rolls Royce!!!

  4. TRue story: I had an uncle with a genetic disorder that on occasion turned his blood into mayonnaise which blew out his heart and pancreas as a result he had an artificial heart/pump (no pulse steady flow) and was missing must of his pancreas. his cardiologist told him once
    “I teach a class at the university can’t wait to tell my students about you”

  5. “Any last words?”

    Reminds me of a fave joke:

    Dr: We have some bad news and even worse news. Which would you like to hear first?

    P: Gimme the worst first so the other doesn’t seem so bad.

    Dr: Ok. You have cancer and it’s too far gone to treat. You need to get your affairs in order. You have two weeks to live.

    Patient sits there quietly without saying anything for a couple of minutes then speaks.

    P: Ok, Doc. Gimme the bad news.

    Dr: You have Alzheimer’s.

    P: Whew! I was worried you were going to tell me I had cancer.

  6. True story: I once had a tooth pulled by a regular dentist’s new “protege” who had a very difficult time. Hours later at home I was still bleeding. Mrs. Curtain and the kids had left for a weekend retreat but I stayed home alone to work. My sisters dropped by unexpectedly just minutes before I hit the floor. If they hadn’t stopped by who knows what may have happened. Next thing, I’m in the dentist chair again and here’s what I’m hearing: “HE’S HEMORRHAGING!! HE’S HEMORRHAGING!!! VITAMIN K!!! MORE VITAMIN K!!!”
    Yeah, that was fun. Needless to say, that was my EX dentist.

  7. True story: I was being put “on the table” for surgery and a surg tech was putting something under my head. She said, “okay I’m just putting a donut under your head” being the forever smart ass I shot back “can I have some coffee with that?” The surgeon disgustingly asked “she’s not out yet?” To which 2 seconds later I experienced Lights Out. 🤣Lol, at least I had a laugh out of it 🤣

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